Sunday, December 26, 2010

What Should The Mother Of The Bride Wear


Our Christmas party at the cafe was pretty funny and, as so often humid happy. I need to upload the pictures :-). There was delicious food and a voucher for the bowling - shirts. Let's see how the are.

Christmas was very nice and funny. Although my grandmother somehow missing. But it was good the way it was and we had very nice time. On 25 I've even worked. Was already tiring to drive at night again after Lich. But it was okay, very quiet and I like to work for Nina. Today we were
had family day and my grandma, aunt and uncle eat there. It was as always very long. I find it nice when the family together eat.

My blood levels have also improved super. The CRP is on steroids within 3 weeks of just 45 11 down! Yeah! That's fine. I'm feeling much better and more active. Of course this is not without side effects. In the 3 weeks I've had such a hunger. It's really not normal and I'm clear then, of course equal to 3 pounds on it more. Of the remaining adverse times to mention. But on Tuesday I have an appointment and I hope I can go back the deposed cortisone. And then I have to really do something for my character. Have a piece of paper found in the supermarket. Because someone is looking for his horses and I think I call then on again. I do not ride it is a sport like walk or jog. But I am quite good at it and my knee is better than jogging. And Tuesday I'll go swimming again! This is good for my legs.
see I am beginning to beat again in the country. I think sometimes you need just so a small positive thrust, then everything goes a bit easier. Not always but for me it was launched. Maybe I'll also finally with my story's on. I have such good ideas but every time I sit in front of the PC does nothing!
But we look up at the front. I go to work tomorrow and Tuesday I'm learning. Then the meeting time and again in the evening sewing since the date before Christmas is canceled due to the weather. Wednesday I meet up with Nathan to discuss New Year's Eve. And of course study and I will clean the bottom again in the apartment.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How To Make Southparkstudios Faster

Uncle Doctor and the blood pricking

I was this morning again with Uncle Doc pricking for blood. Was pretty snowed the A5. 'm Partial also slipped quite well, but Flo was yes and we had a very fun Gesrpäch about alcohol, its size and how to prevent too much pleasure. I must honestly confess that I throw up the pro forma, ie the pick falls out before it's in a coma do not find really practical. Especially since I can not put my finger in the neck. Besides, I know where is my limit and I remain quite well under it.

I hope I now get my coat evening so far advanced that I once again to may be the ultimate Christmas gift set. I have a lot more to pack and wanted to be ready tomorrow.
morning I'm again in the evening lecture and I have to work in Lich. Thursday is the day of departure, I will make again and again to Frankfurt Christmas Market tour. Evening Christmas party at the café. There is fondue. Let's see how it is. Secret Santa, we do so not this year.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What Can U Do With An Escort

the way, then acted European Commissioner for Connie Hedehard climate. Here is her address before the Cancun: So when I found the final speeches of the room, probably for the official delegates delegations, in which you can listen to speeches at a comfortable sofa and drink free coffee). Its doors probably forgot to close-)

acomodations in albome " Nerazobrannoe in Mexico, cop16 »

v esny-olga

on Yandeks.Fotkah

while many participants watched the speech thus: acomodations in albome «
Nerazobrannoe in Mexico, cop16

v esny-olga on Yandeks.Fotkah

Where To Buy Eagle Sport Scooter Wheels

Cposterihachka for climate summit representative international organization Gender CC (Woman for climate justice) with an office in Berlin Hotelind Albert says: trading or cutting greenhouse gas emissions - is wrong. "We are very skeptical look at trade quotas. Especially in terms of women because we know the experience, when women do not receive incentives from carbon trade benefits. It is not fair. And we are confident that the long term and sustainable development - we, the countries that have the highest level of emissions, we must reduce. And we must start now, "- says an expert from the NGO. O. Vesnyanki Photo: Albert Hotelind

look at Yandeks.Fotkah
Fully material here:,, 6314454,00. html Something similar could be heard from the lips of Ukrainian expert of, knowledge of eco-yurystky:

look at Yandeks.Fotkah

trip journalist was supported by the International Renaissance Foundation.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Modern Desk Designs Blueprints


I see yesterday during a preliminary exam Prof the plan. If all so shit is as it says I'm on a day the same two mandatory exams plus a normal exam. And then maybe even on the same days. So I've
either allow me sick for the day To write what does that mean I have to take the exams so with in the next semester. This pisses me off so! I can only hope that there are still some changes.
Otherwise, I must clarify again the next week anyway.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lesbian Weekend Texas

weiss_kaetzchen @ 2010-12-09T16: 30:00

I just sit in the FH and it's such a typical Thursday. Actually, we could set the course the Prof on 2 blocks in a pull when the one would make out. Actually, the topics are so interesting, but ......
the works to get across to the not quite. I know I should actually listen, but that's just too slow. Also, I'm tired and it pulls in here again.

What I'm looking forward tomorrow when I drive with my sister in Munich. By Monday his time away and really like shopping! With Toll Wood - Festival! We so great! Yes now finally got my money from the insurance.
must remember to take my photo. Not like in Rudesheim, so I forget the smooth.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tow Bar Brackets For Toad


personal bankruptcy - Westphalia

Posted by email from messenger

Can You Get A Gothic Look With Jeans

Bankruptcy - In Switzerland, almost 25 percent more bankruptcies http : / /

Posted by email from messenger

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ovarian Cyst Hurt More When Lying Down

Untitled Untitled Untitled

more personal bankruptcies in the coming years

Posted by email from messenger

Monday, November 15, 2010

Inspirational Hispanic Quotes

8th post - 15.11.2010

I think this song describes best today ...

today so I had a "talk" with. Before the entire stage. ? Sounds like not so much about what Japan but in the 35-40 class per student and class A - adds up I
: 315 - 360 students
jaaaaa ~

naja and the theme was .. naja war? I know I know ... but tell the ShibuMaku not me!
just has established that we were in Hiroshima and such and then there was what we learn in Germany through the war.
God and I have written bullshit ...
was perfect lecture;)
"I would like the bridge between Germany and Japan are" * cough *
jaa ... I know: P

but you ... I was nervous.
I mean a bit Nervösitat is normal ...
but as I have said, has my vote (for me) so I'd heard loszuheulen verge ... Kam then fortunately so far not ... but I really thought my knees buckle. ohgott and that was a sweating
(at this point I would like to thank Mom for the package with the "Nivea 48hr Deodorant for Men ": D)

after my cycle was the first time by in the ass ...
fortunately had the two hours after release .. I went first buy ice cream ... XD but I really needed you I could not even think ...

and hey you know what?
since I can now handstand
yeah ~ 8D'm totally proud of it XD

achj and WE, I was eating in Hakone Onsen eggs not ichweiß whether you know them, those are black eggs:

(credit: wikipedia XD)

mariya room and I have some pictures ... Sorry, but right now all on their iphone, I do not know if she can now send them to me via e-mail to ...
but they come;)

Friday, October 29, 2010

What Does A Turquoise Jelly Mean?

7th post - 29,10.2010 - class trip Hiroshima - Images


Sun picspam 8D
are some * cough *
all hiroshima: D
in a slide show are always 7 images except the last which has only 3
(ask ImageShack why you could not make even one DDD:)
'd have oh and actually look at her the whole nachoben from below ....
I'm sorry ... not my fault ...
says ImageShack

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Complete List Of Black And Mild Flavors

insolvency creams over 27 million - no one goes on the road

Posted by email from messenger

Maintaining Email Confidentiality


creams insolvency 27 million from - No one goes out to the street

Posted by email from messenger

Friday, September 24, 2010

Gym Swimming Pool What To Wear

6th post - 24.09.2010

Yesterday I was out with Vanessa in Ikebukuro.
has made damn fun: D
were examined puris ^______^
do then I've run in a meijiro ... And
The world at sunset-rain!
Oh, I'm looking for so on Sunday!
I can still hardly believe!
the moment I am with my "gastopa" in Fujisawa.
He is also very nice:) Today we were
spontaneously in the cinema.
Resident evil afterlife
And to my delight I found that the film was in English with Japanese subtitles! yay! means I've understood what went;)
The next step will Hanamizuki, SP, Ohoku, Kimi ni look Todoke *_____*

And it was in supemarkt to buy some ice and the freezer warning stickers just so the "100 ¥ "and" 105 ¥ "said the seller so I asked
- will cost 100 yen each ice?
- yes
And at the checkout
- 315 - 315 yen please
? I'm 300?
- ah I'm sorry ... + Control

-> how did it happen that I could not even buy me ice .... But
mariya gave me half of hers.

So now I hear dil to write it is so damn shit to write an entry on an iPhone hehehe * hugs everyone *

Starting A Dog Daycare 2009

bankrupt - and now? Ways out of crisis

: Feature / documentation Link : Forget everything you have ever heard about bankruptcy period of good conduct and any outstanding debts! 1-2-3-debt-free: The honest and fastest solution for both creditors and debtors in Europe. What you insolvency and restructuring advisor agencies conceal BGH, decision of 18 9. 2001 - IX ZB 51/00 for the remaining debts in foreign countries 1-2-3-debt-free: The honest and fastest solution for both creditors and debtors in Europe. Schufa Buy deletion, and premature discharge of residual debt! \u0026lt;= Click here! 

Posted by email from strategy

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Crank Up Pontoon Trailers

19.09.2010 - 4th Post

Yes I'm sorry I did it once again vernachläsigt write.

I'm sorry D:

but this much is not even happened ...

Bunkasai last week except the ... for do not know all the what that is, the school is a kind of festival where each class has to do something.
My class had "Genji Monogatari" is selected.
I would not go into now what is that in real ... too long.
But I think some of you know;)
Well we have not had the exact GM but rather a "modern version"

was clean fun I must say. The first time I've verstenaden almost nothing (what a miracle) but close to the 2 I had the idea meisst out * laughs *

and I found out during the preparation, it does not matter in what country you are reactions between boys and girls always the same XD

are because there is a scene where Akutsu-kun ayumi patting your head and the whole class only "uhhhhh ~ ~"
God I'm laughing * gg *

and there were a couple of spontaneity that one had to take just laugh ...
example in the "CLASS" scene where four tables are placed and 4 chairs, adware 4 students ... But suddenly two guys dive from the side and one sits in the back of the other
(No. .. I'm not jezz write "as if he ride ")

or the sudden run of 2 other guys, the" sou dane "sou dane" according to the rate of nebendarstelers "I will never find a girlfriend"
say O God .. we laughed;) could

all in all it was a very fun experience, I * sigh * I wish to participate again next jar ...

unfortunately I'm not there then D: on

naja Sunday after the bunkasai then ended and we were done away with, we went karaoke *____*
Ohgott is funny LOL
and I've found ....

I AM Onchi T______T
(Onchi = = tone-deaf tone deaf)

but well I'll go like this from the favorite playing of you already knew that * gg *
one probably not important ... but today there was another curry ... and I also hope that tomorrow and tomorrow ...
oh I love this stuff XD * hugs *

've loved you all sooo

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Aluminum Foil Boat Design Penny Holding

09.09.2010 - 3rd post

* cough *

I'm back = D So

Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday?
to be honest I have for some unknown reason, forget any blush IMMOMENT XD ~
niht but I think that something is out außergewöhnlcihes happened to know that my class is that I can not drink because I told my tea übern Rock had poured WHILE I drank.
* cough * jaaa ^___^''

naja today XD 8D
Thursday (yes, I remember what I done * applauds * hab)

So today the first day of preparation for the school festival = D
my class was out "Genji Monogatari" on ... I of course
not ... I could feel the Japanese text does not know XD I'm just
for the "TIME TABLE" - responsible poster;)
yes but that was another act XDD
On-chan and her perfectionism and how she said to her "ki" it "キモイ" looks like * g *

Well today I was the first time in ... we call it "give-us-foreign-FAST-free-japanese-lesson-volunteer group"
Well that's almost common
XD I mean 2000 yen for 3 months or cheap? XD
I had been only said that there is nothing -.-''
naja so far I'm in a group a bit * cough * under my level is ...
but I am thinking what can be done next week:) I also have

Hamada-sensei today with my schedule I have discussed 8D
economy, Japanese writing, essay, social sciences free = D So
naja self-study in a different room ... * Cough * here comes with the netbook;)

and on weekends is then school festival 文化 祭
and I must make NEN vortrg ... I have no idea what XD
but there are only 5 minutes ... I already created i like ... I hope >___>''

Well tomorrow I'll go first to Catherine fürn buy pants under the skirt XD
you need really ... with the wind running around with only one hand under his ass, because otherwise the skirt is ... and you will then not only ... * Cough * oh I

commemorated me of something from Tuesday XD
It rained!
but how ...
I swear weltuntergang ... ye have not yet seen.
and you know but this film is determined from typical rain or scene?
type is depressed by the rain, suddenly a bus or truck and spray the water is so high, the wet type completely is.
I had to laugh XD
I can not help it ... * hides * I agree containing schadenfredig

Naja and something I want to keep here only briefly because it is not in here, but i like it (mutatis I surrender?)
I'm the end of the month (26) on NEWS concert 8D
and I can not wait;)

I love you all ♥

PS I have just set up the digital photo frame from my brother and my mother ... And yes I admit I cried a bit ... but I would not call it nostalgia ...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

2009 Four Winns Boat Diagram

Spain: animal cruelty tradition

incredible amount of suffering animals in Spain is added.

who does not respect the animals can not live human. Alfred Brehm

See also:
Toreros are people who are convinced that for a bull There is no greater pleasure than to meet him. ...

Posted by email from messenger

Identify The Parts Of Wave

05.09.2010 - 2nd post 1st post

Sooooo ~

now it's been a few days ago since I left Germany ...

and I had not until now not enough time to write something more than that, I am well received.

order but to say it again, I am well received and it's great here;)

While it is pretty hot ... and when I say hot I mean hot.

IMMOMENT It is 30 degrees and even though it's already 20:30 here ...

her, I can watch also vorstellen, wie heiß es Mittags ist... xD


Naja fangen wir mal von vorne an ^___^

Der Abschied am Flughafen war tränenreich XD (wär hätte das gedacht hust)

aber direkt danach war wieder alles okay... 8D

Die Leute die mit mir geflogen sind waren auch alle super nett und wir haben uns von Anfang an verstanden :D


Dann in Paris haben wir den Rest der Gruppe getroffen und naja ich werde an diesem Punkt AYUSA zitieren „Ab Paris are posted adjacent seats "* cough * of course ... So if the series 33 and series 48 "adjacent seats" are ... I do not know XD but it was very funny.

We have not slept for 12 hours XD

and the flight attendant at least 10 times "please be quiet"


boah and when we arrived it was in Japan 8 clock morning ... So no sleep ... * Cough *

I've done on the plane

I would say 40 hours? I have not slept and when we arrived in Japan ... Well the day we could not check in before tonight ... we were all wet with sweat because it was so hot and we all stunk XD but we could not shower go XD

naja tired and we were all male LOL

That's I with Sonja and Jessica at the airport where we had to make our case.

That was when we walked around in Yokohama 8D

my Maccha-Frappucino *___*

I will now take a biiiiiiite ~

naja otherwise was nothing really interesting in Yokohama ...

Well then 2 days ago I came to my host family san

Takuya and Mariya san ^____^

They are both very nice XD

we really have a lot of fun 8D

on 2 Day there was Takoyaki *_______*

I've eaten 30 pieces = D

boah me I've eaten so XDDD

and only because I did not know what "I'm tired" in Japanese means LOL

jeztzt I know, luckily = D

On Tuesday, the first time then I saw my new school ...

She is really as great as it looks on the air D:

I have found that at my school is yet another exchange student. 8D

It also comes from Deustchland, specifically Berlin. It is driven with a different organization than I am. I am with AYUSA, came with AFS.

Then we were eating pasta XDDD

So Well from the day I get my school uniform 8D

I think the favorite playing of you have already seen, but for all they have not yet seen:

I find better than I thought.

Unfortunately, I have the nu-sleeved blouse D:

was just cheaper way and we have to wear long-sleeved blouse before the mid-October, so it has not really paid off Wed also still to buy the short ...

But now I glaueb I had bought them anyway ..

It is sooo hot that I think every morning, "Where is the nearest air conditioner?"

And at the train station I bought my ticket then. Pretty expensive D: not like us at the chocolate Ticket 30 € a month, anywhere ... I have about 60 € jezz un pays really must only drive the route from my station to the station at my school.

And for the bus that I take out of the station from home, I need extra card again ne ... although a bit cheaper but still ... So I come every month to about 100 € only for school D: is

Japan expensive!

then so was my first day at school on Wednesday. I was sooo excited.

It was hard enough at all to find the school.

You must know I have inen long way to school. I must first take a bus to Kamatori-Eki from there the line to Sotobo Soga and since then transfer to the Keiyo Line to Kaihin-Makuhari and from there I have again about 10 minutes walk.

Only I'm in Kaihin-Makuhari taken the wrong exit -.-''

and searching for the right time .. then off XD impossible. So I'm asking because someone did as distributed flyers ... I so "where you go to my school" and have thus shown on the school badge, because I the time did not know exactly how my school is called XD

I so "i do with Shibuya" Fortunately, he had been informed then ... , and I have still not found the way ... He said right but I am idiot ran ... LINKS * Cough *

kwnnt yes its me;)

On Thursday I had then free:)

because tests were written, and I always "test days" have free muhahaha

This brings me a week off in October and in December 11 days = D

And then on Friday was my first real day of school.

was hard.

Did you know that your mind shuts off automatically and you will be tired if you do not understand a word?

I knew it until now XD non

I make my views on Japanese economy and world history ... impossible XD

chemistry was fine because by taking the straight from the substance, as we had last year ... Ion XD

and math is sooo komsich in Japan.

For us it's normal from the 9? 10? Class a to use the calculator because the numbers and the procedures are too complicated.

have here none of the calculator, the count charged under 10! can expect

and only things that manim head ... and well ... You know that my mental arithmetic skills-sin under all (* cough * * cough * Syntax Error Celina?)

and yet I do not come with ... The write Tues formulas they always use in sentences with sooooo many kanji D:

and if I do not know the formula, I can not count D:

I feel so stupid because before actually are the tasks for 7 school year.

English I had with an Australian. He is also totally incorrect. I was just "OMG I understand what" really happy XD

natürlih And we had sport ... clearly, my first day at school uned what's ... Sports DDDD:

luckily we have made them the basics of volleyball ... and all I can ... XD

I never thought that I would be ever grateful to Mr. Hartman that we have 6 months in the school volleyball made spot.

The girls in my class are all very nice: D

I understand only half because all are always talking so fast, but they repeat almost everything for me again in slow so I understand it.

all goes well;)


I Saturday School T_________________T

that although only until 11:30

won T_____T

I do not like it D:

Well so yesterday was Saturday and I was lucky and Takuya drove me to school 8D

that meant no sweat stains when I arrive at school XDD

and I was also picked up 8D

Since then we have gone first lunch I had pasta ... did well after all the rice XD

and then we were picking Nashis * __ *

was damn funny XD

the trees were just very deep XD a bit went to the Kni and back LOL

when I Nashi pflüken XD

my Gastma Mariya = D

And this is my host father Takuya 8D

Our yield XDDD ~
But things are also expensive D:
but so damn tasty: D

after that we were short in yen exchange my Euros ... jeztz I have money again XD

御 金

after we were eat sushi 8D

I have squid and tuna and salmon and shrimp

damn nice = D

today is Sunday and I have finally managed to write anything done.

Since you are not proud of me?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cervical Mucus No Period

Okaz so short ^_____^

I am well received in Japan, at the airport for a bit of stress .... but I think it is also not without XD so it was a 12 hour flight ... really tiring but super fun 8D I did not gheschlafen for 24 hours and it does not look like I can go to sleep tonight XD but I'm wide awake = D

The group also very nice 8D

we had a lot of fun at the airport LOL we were really looked at by all: D There is massive hot DDD: really humid and humid .... I thought I to tilt when I came out of the airport ...

I try the same even find a CD shop yu * cough *.

I miss you all * hugs everyone *

Can I Latin Dance With Bad Acl

The best web advertising of all time: People piss

advertising is dead Every day is

they still "kill".

advertising is harassment, Verarschung. Every day more.
But there are still entrepreneurs and managers who feel the money and do not burn for amateurish advertising.

Do not forget: attention alone does not customers.

82 percent of German Internet users do not advertise!

Customized manipulation: people are opposed to customized advertising! Strategy

Posted by email from

Sunday, August 22, 2010

How To Remove Gentile Warts

Since the left hand does not know what the right! Creative ideas

Since I have riding lessons and the overall situation in my former riding stables was not happy, I terminated my membership in March 2009. Since the statute, however, a Küdidung only at year's end provides I had to pay the full annual amount. Since I myself was stupid. Well, never mind. I actually thought that it settles the matter. I had a nice phone conversation with the chairman and told her that I then made it clear to the end of the year, leaving the club. I actually thought that I can rely on ...
what you think ...
Yesterday I checked my account. And there was something real to a payment of association for my alleged membership for the year 2010 on it!
I thought really occurs with a horse. I mean good, the treasurer has changed, etc. But I really the culmination of what I experienced with them.
The classes were really totally ...... oh well. I will go at so they can not ride already. But there's one thing itself is to ride and another to bring it to other. I can be expected from a riding teacher corrected already, even when I'm older than them. In recent weeks, in which I have ridden with her, I was perhaps correct two or three times. Hello! Just because you can not handle the horse I ride, it does not mean that you shall not korriegieren me! Which is occurred not only with me. Sorry, but I do not pay 12 € for 45 minutes! Not the real me, then too much. But I get no education.
Well, then I have the same time an email to the new treasurer written and hope that once they answered. Let's see what happens.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Backyard Volleyball Court

How perverse advertising must still be to catch attention? Untitled

A donkey is for half an hour to fly a glider through the air. How to scare an animal so and torment? How naive must be advertisers, to hereby be successful. The opposite is the case.

advertising is flatly rejected. Other Publications:

your advertising does not help!

page 1 in Google - How it works!

Posted by email from strategy

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wooden Play Structure For Sale Used

Bankruptcy - Germany: Legally legitimate creditor fraud

Posted via email from messenger

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Really Good Games Like Poptropica reports: As the Home of an online shop in the future should look

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Saturday Night Live

The countdown is on ...

\u0026lt;/ div>

Monday, June 7, 2010

How To Make A Moving Car

envy eats brain: defeat for Schäuble and the Berlin trappers because of "treaty shopping"

infringement proceedings against the Federal Republic web: d § 50 paragraph 3 of the German Income Tax Act (ITA) is not compliant with European law. Treaty shopping means that a taxpayer the benefits of a double taxation agreement (DTA) that are, although not in that Contracting State. This will happen through the interposition of one or more foreign corporations between headquarters and its German subsidiary. These have established in third countries that are tax-favored by the Federal Republic. When eating German politicians the envy of the brain regularly. Or is there another explanation of why politicians always adopt an unconstitutional law?

Posted via web from tax-free

What Does Alpha Hydroxy Do For The Face

How to make billions from new products

Steve Jobs is the proof. The correct strategy is working. Since he has formed of a bankruptcy candidate within a company that has two weeks ago, Microsoft first overhauled in the stock value, you can too! No matter what situation you are. Apple worse than standing there 10 years ago, you can not stand it. Now you only need the right strategy. Let's see if you are smart enough access: course you can wait, like many others - are at times worse. Who is wise to act now. A few broken Euros for an investment in the future, where only the time before the largest currency reform, which you will experience in your life. And in that time we live in today. Make me not blame if you missed it today: Here is your unique opportunity:

Posted via web from strategy

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bmx Bikes Under 300 Dollars

AFP: Apple CEO sees readiness pay for content on the Internet

publishers and media companies survive only if they provide "profit". Profit from a customer perspective. Not from the perspective of the publisher.

Posted via web from strategy

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Chunky Creamy White Cervical Mucus

Gourmet Island Gourmet Island Mallorca Mallorca

Who does not know the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean, has missed something ...

Posted via web from video tv

Investor's Business Weekly Periodical

Who does not know the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean, has missed something ...

Posted via web from video tv

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tech Deck Games]


I thought I'd get a bad idea to sew .... well, not really bad, are now it has always taken a good end. Okay, it took me quite a bit of nerves and so on. But what you are doing everything not to get an idea to set.
I just have to redraw all times, so I can start with the cutting. I will begin only after the exams. With white cord is missing ..... and I have no idea where I intended to get her. On Ebay there is still a provider but I do not know whether I should order there.

's see, maybe I'll get it some where else yet.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Leather Treaty Disneyland Bracelet

Stevia Sweetener is banned in Germany - corruption of the sugar and sweetener industry? The

Stevia, a product of the plant Stevia rebaudiana ("sweet herb), is a natural sweetener. It consists mainly of the diterpene glycoside stevioside. It has 300 times sweeter than sugar and is suitable for diabetics. Stevioside is the Süßwirkung the stevia leaves the most important ingredient. Stevia products in the EU are not approved as a food or food additive, and it is forbidden to bring them to market as such.

1984 resulted in a Monsanto (producers of the synthetic Sweetener aspartame), commissioned research, substantial doubts about the health safety of stevia. [10] This and other studies in the U.S. were stevia products, and imports to the U.S. in 1991 by the Food and Drug Administration banned. Since 1995, this ban is partially lifted, stevia products that may be used as dietary food supplements, but not generally used as food additives. In Japan, Stevia has been used for decades, however, to sweeten tea, soft drinks, toothpaste, cakes and sweets. Pocari Sweat is a hit, a sweetened with Stevia Athletes drink. Stevia is a popular artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharin and cyclamate.

Monsanto is one of the most dangerous Mafia operations in the world and spread lies on the tape is running. It provides the Stevia sweeteners as a cause of concern because it profits even with the sweetener aspartame, which is PRECISELY AND which is very alarming and dangerous to health, to beat out.

your own toxic products trivialize them, and healthy alternative to sugar as they concern dar. you informed about Monsanto, the company has already committed many crimes and was never convicted, because it is part of the corrupt government, the globalists and New World Order. Since

warned Monsanto!

In the EU, Stevia assumed as the first plant of the Novel Food Regulation after a failed registration application from Belgium. The Scientific Committee on Food of the European Commission, which should rule on the safety of stevia, came to the conclusion that "the plant, as well as extracts from it, on the basis of the few currently available data as Food is not approvable and should not be marketed as food on the market.

1998-2002, the EU funded research project, a German-English, the cultivation of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni should be optimized in the EU.

An authorization can come only because the want a new application is submitted as a novel food and food by the Scientific Committee of the EU is positively evaluated. On such a new application currently operates the European Stevia Association (EUSTAS) [17]

source. thepatriots666

Posted via email from Health

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Go Kart Gas Pedals For Sale

€ URO's dead Save your money - or excuse yourself if you can!

Day 1 after the currency reform was the case previously in any currency reform The next day new money. Merkel promised at the weekend to defend the value of the euro. "This means that we provide our citizens the money." This controversy will soon prove to be audacious fraud, because Mrs Merkel knows that new money has already been printed and will be printed at the time. The bill pays, who has money in total loss. The bill also pays, who has debts. He picks up the debts! Therefore, the most important tip for debtors: Apologize! 1-2-3-debt free in 3 months. With EU laws, guarantee! Thomas Mayer, chief economist of Deutsche Bank: "I think we will soon see 1.20 Euro against the dollar, and a further decline towards Parity against the dollar is quite possible. "MONEY ON SPARKONNTEN = TOTAL LOSS SO:!! NO MONEY TO SAVINGS ACCOUNTS When asked if would savers be worried, assured the Federal Minister Rainer Brüderle:" No one should fear for his money. !?!. That should all give thought to Trust Banks Trust policy paper on fire - as opposed to Gold and Silver Exchange your money at the crisis fixed values diversion Brüderle: "Inflation is the greatest social injustice, because under their suffering pensioners . and the people who earn little, mostly "Helmut Schmidt also said:" "Dear five percent Inflation of five percent unemployment. "Who has rights? Schmidt has a little more right.'s Statement Brüderle is a diversion from the already dead € uro. Wolfgang Gerke, president of the Institute of Economics" Bavarian Finance Centre, expects inflation to "three ". percent" to four causes the large budget deficits of the states "If you have not noticed it yet. The German Federal Government, state governments and local authorities to give still more money than they earn, you are the bankrupts of yesterday! , Today and Tomorrow The € uro is dead Who draws these criminals out of circulation SEE ALSO: Economic experts warn before €-crash, 1518,693802,00. html The "Scout Survival" will take you to safety! ... The "Survival Scout" ensures that you can "survive" ... web

Posted via from HorstDeckert

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Can The Hot Tub Make Your Ankle Swell?

Brussels-Berlin-plot: Test-Greece

Friday, April 23, 2010

Can You Mount A Lmg In Cod4?

iPad - Apple is the major publisher in the world

Apple on the way to the major publishers: the iPad the face of the "New York Times

An article by me about the FAZ in the 29th January 2010 - view article

Under the heading

The principle of self-promotion
Ibrahim Evsan writes:

The networking of people continues unabated, social networks allow the self-marketing of journalists in a completely new environment with completely new possibilities . From a single Twitter account or the blog of a journalist, a self-marketing platform . Is a good reputation created only once, it is easy to the reader as a single journalist - accessible via the new Apple iBook-Store - without going through gatekeepers and publishers.

I think that Apple is the publishers and journalists the opportunity to create their own products.

Thanks to the multimedia capabilities of the iPad pictures, videos and music will grow together with the texts.

The combination of all known media in the presentation on a single device are no limits, anything can appear on the iPad, all a matter of software, which Apple dominates in perfection.
Apple has succeeded the entire value chain to include in their product strategy to control and . You customers to control the billing, the software base and a global distribution system. Apple only has the creativity of the human challenge in order to make sales. And the Apple usually manages extremely well. This Megastore in the background could be Apple with its iPad quickly become the largest publisher in the world.
The Apple iPad will soon appear on the German market. Then it will show in particular, whether the German publishers are ready for the new technology. IPad, with its special opportunities for them to be the acid test.


Each is his own editor!

is everything, and coincides with the "customer-profit" . This applies to any transaction for any business. Not the

own profit, but the "profit" of its customers makes Apple successful .

Experience, design, feeling, progress, superiority, etc. - "Customer-Profit", is what the customer wants. For business products or components as are economic savings and increased income, time and money, speed, etc. to make up the "customer-profit" as a whole. Everything always from a customer perspective - never from the perspective of the company.

Who has more customers than the competition-profit has no crisis. Apple will not be put.

No matter what Apple began was always the company revolutionized the recent market. Always with the help of his customers who wanted more ready as arrogant companies had to do for them. Dissatisfaction is the breeding ground for innovation. Apple changed the rules so that "play" to customers.

Apple's success is "customer-profit"!

Apple always provides a little more "customer-profit" than the competition. That anyone who is willing to "customer-profit strategy" move.

Make huge profits with new products!

Or, attach the competition from such as IKEA and Starbucks !

Other publications and tips for success:

people do not advertise!

self the latest marketing attempts fail !

Who speaks of target groups, and also looking for such will disappear from the market. I recommend that you read the Cluetrain Manifesto . You will read there that the people you want to be divided into target groups, the grasp of the advertisers and advertisers have withdrawn and for all.

Who not advertise who wins!

Why is the web many losers?

not their Goals but the goals of the customer decide on the use of resources!

295th Tip: The unbeatable pricing strategy by Apple as part of the "customer-profit strategy"

290th Tip: iPhone + Starbucks

289th Tip: 523 percent growth, just with more "customer-profit"

282nd Tip: Gillette against Wilkinson - The customer-driven innovation profit

270th Tip: How do you - such as IKEA and Starbucks - depend on the competition!

269th Tip: How to develop and market new products to and services? As you can shorten the lead time? How to get quickly to profitability?

268th Tip: The head of the customer chooses your future!

248th Tip: 10 marketing mistakes that cost in the long run the existence

246th Tip: If you are self-employed with no customers and no contracts makes goes bankrupt!

What to do?

first Specialize on "ideal customers" . Everything else is fragmentation, time and money!

second Convert to "ideal customer" view! Let choose the "ideal customers" what is important.

third Place the to what the "ideal client" wants. Then you make the deal .

Apple practiced Customer Profit Strategy!
IKEA practiced Customer Profit Strategy!
practiced Starbucks customer-profit strategy!
all began at once small, so you can too.

Each entrepreneur can develop a "customer-profit strategy and implement. There are only 5 simple principles that must be observed. Start now!


Your Strategy Doctor
Horst D. Deckert

questions? not

questions costs

Posted by email from strategy click

Monday, April 12, 2010

What Are Some Urban Watches

Rock the Lake Festival

I discovered today that DSI will perform there. And I am inclined to drive to go there. Although there are nearly 800 km. Hopefully I drive a few more people to find.
in itself is not at the festival times as expensive ..... That would be so cool!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Train Track Wide Receiver Gloves

The emperor's new marketing

Info \u0026lt;= Here! Strategy

Posted by email from

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mens Towelling Bathrobe

deception by Pope and bishops

This is an excerpt from a special prayer, which can now be inserted into the liturgy on Good Friday. The idea came from Trier Bishop Stephan Ackermann, who gained fame for several weeks as a sad misuse representative of the German Bishops' Conference.


The distinctive mark of the true church of Jesus Christ, God's people

first They remain faithful to God's eternal word, the Ten Commandments (2 Exodus 20, 1-17, 31, 12-18, John 7, 38, 8, 31, 2 Timothy 3:00, 16;. Gal 1, 8.9. ; 2 Peter 1, 20, Revelations 22, 18.19)..

second They fulfill the mission of Jesus: "Teach and baptize!", Not vice versa as the churches. The Second Coming of Jesus is their main teaching. (Matthew 28, 19.20, 24, 14)

third They gather in small groups at home (Mt 18, 20, Luke 12, 32,.. Acts 4:00, 13;. 1 Corinthians 1, 26-29)

4th They are of the world and its customs and traditions away (John 17, 16, 1 John 2:00, 15-17;. Matt. 21, 43).

5th They keep the 10 commandments of God and the same belief firmly that Jesus had a human also, and only because they rightly Christians (2nd Exodus 20, 1-17, John 15, 10:14, Rev. 14, 12;. Gal. 2, 20, John 17, 23).

6th They were persecuted as children of God by the Roman Catholic Church. It is change up to the end nothing (John 15, 20).

From the fight for the truth's sake and the gospel of Christ is God's people as the winner (Rev. 15, 2), despite being contradicted at all ends (Acts 28, 22, 24, 14).

Posted via web from decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court

Monday, March 8, 2010

Fishsticks Joke South Park Audio

Apple's opponents are afraid of the customer

The FINANCIAL TIMES GERMANY published today a smear campaign from Apple:

handle global IT power

Why Apple should we be scary

The authors Matthias Lambrecht , Helene Laube , Andrea Runge and Nicholas Hammond rush:

" The cult group has become the dominant size in the mobile Internet, he determined rules, control the Content draws. . the profits from The once-brilliant underdog sympathy threatens to be dangerous - even for themselves "

Ridiculous could not be easier. I can only answer:

Is Apple too much, are the competitors too weak!

Why Apple's market value increased tenfold in ten years?

Because Apple products and services offered from a customer perspective.

Why buy individual songs million people in the iStore? Because Apple

own music industry was starting from a customer perspective. Now Hinz and Kunz can suddenly his three songs published and earn money. The music industry has had for thousands of artists is just a tired smile, and managed their former monopoly.

Everything from a customer perspective. Victims are only the arrogant music industry. Artists and customers are the winners.

Apple is the "trustee of its customers."

Who has something against it?

PC manufacturers, such as the former monopolist Microsoft, who played for years with clients of cat and mouse. Once you have copied the surface of Apple.

And can not keep up because the customers did not participate.

Amazon would like to dominate with its Kindle reader, the book world. It took its cue from the technology, probably not enough on customers. No one needs another device as a reader. Man wants entertainment and information. Amazon offers a reader. Apple offers a complete solution.

is how it is: Apple brings a complete solution from a customer perspective - and everyone gets in the pants! If Apple is so scary to us because it only takes what customers want, then I can only say: Give us more "sinister" products, which we need!

Press. She is afraid. It loses its value. Who still reads the messages of yesterday? The death bells ringing. Not only for the Financial Times, but for those with the motto "Everything should remain as it is" dilettante in front of him. With ridiculous fees, such as "Why Apple should be scary to us" you can not impress more happy Apple customers. The New York Times, there are already as iPad version. I hope that the PR departments of the federal government are becoming less important. My sympathy for newspapers has therefore been limited. Press

love Prince, you have not yet figured that your leaves no one really needs. If your not the iPad want to participate, we are not sad. Then just stop at Steve Ballmer's scrap with micro finance and its stillbirth called Tablet PC.

Yes and then there are also the Tele comedian. The authors lament, Apple would lead the phone companies at the nose ring. That they deserve a lot of money on the iPhone, none of them speaks. But they dictate containing no longer play the game. For decades it was the other way around. The customers were exempted from the state monopoly.

And the post office? It makes the last convulsions eBrief with her. I have sent since January 1999, no 50 letters. A great innovation that is - in my view.

We really do not need more dinosaurs, which make our lives difficult (t) s! No one has

cooperate with Apple. Some publishers, CEO or entrepreneur will go down as an economic failure in history, if he does not. A law of the free market economy is that no one should be forced to his happiness.

be successful like Apple!

Create your own customer world and ask your customers, in which rules, and they "play" and now

and then make it just like Apple!

who creates his own world customer, such as Apple, and also adjusts the rules of the game from a customer perspective , before getting the selfish fear. And will be met with agitation.

As long as Apple customers in a position, just to get what is denied them by other vendors, Apple must have no fear. And iPad, iBooks our customers will open up opportunities that others would have gladly denied.

Who's afraid of Apple before, in the Customers fear. Apple iBook are iPAD with technological innovations, have slept through the other.

When Steve Ballmer recently, market-ready and its not on the needs of customers introduced by targeting Tablet PC, wrote the same journalists even easier, Microsoft would attack Apple. Now Apple is again the evil.

Who wants to beat his competition, simply ask Steve Jobs. If having no time, you can call those who predicted the embarrassing defeat of Ballmer and Microsoft.

And happy that Apple will implement it exactly the strategy he in before 1990 5x5 its customer-profit strategy published.


270th Tip: How do you - such as IKEA and Starbucks - depend on the competition!

283rd Tip: Steinbrück promises: "2009 will be a bad year." Not for you if ...

as today staged a product
Apple: huge profits with new products
What can we learn from Apple and its own business transmitted?

289th Tip: 523 Percent growth, just with more "customer-profit"

Do like Apple: 523 percent growth!

290th Tip: iPhone + Starbucks

295th Tip: The unbeatable pricing strategy by Apple as part of the "customer-profit strategy"

310th Tip: The logical Innovation: Apple iBook with iPAD

Apple practiced Customer Profit Strategy!
IKEA practiced Customer Profit Strategy!
Starbucks practiced Customer Profit Strategy!

all began at once small, so you can too.

Each entrepreneur can develop a "customer-profit strategy and implement.
Only 5 simple principles that must be observed. Start now! Strategy

Posted by email from

Friday, February 26, 2010

Karen Neuberger Clothing

fellow students!

Well, actually I have nothing against group work. But right now I'm really not good to talk!
Probably on which I will do my group work. It should be a scientific paper and prepare for the Bachelor's thesis. Although one can only exist or not, so there is no note. But still, I'm already cost them.
My work partner has just two sub-points should deal with it. I Introduction, definition, two sub-points, summary (because who has not even reported), and all around it. So footnotes to arrange the literature
etc. He does not work, his parents are on vacation and his grandmother cooks for him. The only do what he must employ the dog!

Only one thing, I'm a waiter or two times a week at a restaurant once a week working in a tax office, have two times a week training and still give guitar lessons. I do this well and because I like to have parents you've financed everything. (I would have to be funded also likely to me all proud.) And then comes the real with his part of which is under all pig! I mean what if I make a group work then I should ever have everything for spelling mistakes and thus verified. What he has not really made, otherwise such things would not be in, the I've found.
And then so what! If one is to describe a development, then you catch it at the beginning, right? He starts today with so in 2010 and the European Union or a ministry to them. Halloho! We are talking about a development! So from earlier today!
Not today, tomorrow!
And then he adds a graphics without explaining them properly in the text. Let alone that he write down where he has written a definition completely.
Ups! That I forgot! Was the reply. THANK you ARSCHL ....! For the extra work! I have plenty of nothing else to do!

Boah and upsets me so! If I had but just made herself! Then I would have less stress and everything would already have done! Three weeks ago he said he was ready and would have only what "abtippseln" I've been waiting over two weeks. Sure, we have written exams at the time. But hey, he was already finished!
And I then ask if I can come to him on the Monday. Because of the work and such. I write as an exam and therefore really have no head for it, or write it to exams were still interested in him apparently not. I do not because of this exam or did not do much for the later exams did he know.
But I think after he was snapped. No matter!
I'll call him tomorrow and ask if he want to see his part so or whether he wants to change something.
And I will do my frustration with Prof. marked accordingly! Stupid Arschl .....!

It is now I feel better!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

How Many Inline Skating Games Are There

weiss_kaetzchen @ 2010-02-11T16: 31:00

Oh man!
I've now got nine of Kramer catalog. There are already earplugs for horses. Particularly suitable for frightful horses.
What a shit!
A rider and horse owners should be horse with trust, love and guidance to bring people to recognize you as a lead animal. So that it can feel safe around him. Should then enter an unfamiliar situation, the horse is always guided by the lead animal. Is this the man who has you already won.

course, a horse is sometimes so terrifying, but it is one thing to jump a short time to the side and stand still, or going to race headlong panic.
I have both been through with my foster horse several times and knows exactly describe what they really fear. And if I know I can also prepare it.
I have when I sit on it only in certain situations the upper hand but that's on the floor like that. At the latest after the initial shock, they responded to me.
Sometimes they will get excited too easily. This can be seen with her quite well. If they really fear, she has stretched to the rear. You will notice this in the saddle very good because then enters the not so relaxed and it does not work properly under. If she wants to get upset, she snorts quite high heaven and is always an ear inclined to the side. And exits on the front shorter.

I've seen even at the school horses. That is the question to the riders: Take care of you yet? If the horse will not notice this the rider careful we go .... * G * I once had one of these. A super school master! It had to convince only that it would not be boring. I always found it incomprehensible why so many people had problems with it. Well, probably, is also a matter of sympathy. I liked the small simply because he was not so dull it all done. He has also called for the rider. In the box he was glad indeed, but could sometimes be a little cheeky. Things like head lay on his back when the Forderhufe does scratch and things like that. Nothing that would be an injured. Just a horse to hug!

Oh now I'm off the subject ...... What else is there? I only have two exams in front of me and I think I am pretty well put behind me. Not as stupid as what BWL4! So if a professor makes a Einkrenzung already, you think so that he abides by that. Nope! Nada, nothing! The complete opposite, it has made! Stupid cow! I know that one must make the study more than in school. But I write six exams and I have the feeling that every one thinks Prof would only write his exam. Okay, except for a few. But where are the think the scripts of course, all longer than 150 pages. I have plenty of nothing else to do! One is full-time student! Whoa that upsets me sometimes so! But
excitement brings only bad mood. Let us concentrate on only 2 exams I have to write! Yeah!