Friday, September 24, 2010

Gym Swimming Pool What To Wear

6th post - 24.09.2010

Yesterday I was out with Vanessa in Ikebukuro.
has made damn fun: D
were examined puris ^______^
do then I've run in a meijiro ... And
The world at sunset-rain!
Oh, I'm looking for so on Sunday!
I can still hardly believe!
the moment I am with my "gastopa" in Fujisawa.
He is also very nice:) Today we were
spontaneously in the cinema.
Resident evil afterlife
And to my delight I found that the film was in English with Japanese subtitles! yay! means I've understood what went;)
The next step will Hanamizuki, SP, Ohoku, Kimi ni look Todoke *_____*

And it was in supemarkt to buy some ice and the freezer warning stickers just so the "100 ¥ "and" 105 ¥ "said the seller so I asked
- will cost 100 yen each ice?
- yes
And at the checkout
- 315 - 315 yen please
? I'm 300?
- ah I'm sorry ... + Control

-> how did it happen that I could not even buy me ice .... But
mariya gave me half of hers.

So now I hear dil to write it is so damn shit to write an entry on an iPhone hehehe * hugs everyone *


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