Sunday, September 19, 2010

Crank Up Pontoon Trailers

19.09.2010 - 4th Post

Yes I'm sorry I did it once again vernachläsigt write.

I'm sorry D:

but this much is not even happened ...

Bunkasai last week except the ... for do not know all the what that is, the school is a kind of festival where each class has to do something.
My class had "Genji Monogatari" is selected.
I would not go into now what is that in real ... too long.
But I think some of you know;)
Well we have not had the exact GM but rather a "modern version"

was clean fun I must say. The first time I've verstenaden almost nothing (what a miracle) but close to the 2 I had the idea meisst out * laughs *

and I found out during the preparation, it does not matter in what country you are reactions between boys and girls always the same XD

are because there is a scene where Akutsu-kun ayumi patting your head and the whole class only "uhhhhh ~ ~"
God I'm laughing * gg *

and there were a couple of spontaneity that one had to take just laugh ...
example in the "CLASS" scene where four tables are placed and 4 chairs, adware 4 students ... But suddenly two guys dive from the side and one sits in the back of the other
(No. .. I'm not jezz write "as if he ride ")

or the sudden run of 2 other guys, the" sou dane "sou dane" according to the rate of nebendarstelers "I will never find a girlfriend"
say O God .. we laughed;) could

all in all it was a very fun experience, I * sigh * I wish to participate again next jar ...

unfortunately I'm not there then D: on

naja Sunday after the bunkasai then ended and we were done away with, we went karaoke *____*
Ohgott is funny LOL
and I've found ....

I AM Onchi T______T
(Onchi = = tone-deaf tone deaf)

but well I'll go like this from the favorite playing of you already knew that * gg *
one probably not important ... but today there was another curry ... and I also hope that tomorrow and tomorrow ...
oh I love this stuff XD * hugs *

've loved you all sooo


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