Sunday, September 5, 2010

Identify The Parts Of Wave

05.09.2010 - 2nd post 1st post

Sooooo ~

now it's been a few days ago since I left Germany ...

and I had not until now not enough time to write something more than that, I am well received.

order but to say it again, I am well received and it's great here;)

While it is pretty hot ... and when I say hot I mean hot.

IMMOMENT It is 30 degrees and even though it's already 20:30 here ...

her, I can watch also vorstellen, wie heiß es Mittags ist... xD


Naja fangen wir mal von vorne an ^___^

Der Abschied am Flughafen war tränenreich XD (wär hätte das gedacht hust)

aber direkt danach war wieder alles okay... 8D

Die Leute die mit mir geflogen sind waren auch alle super nett und wir haben uns von Anfang an verstanden :D


Dann in Paris haben wir den Rest der Gruppe getroffen und naja ich werde an diesem Punkt AYUSA zitieren „Ab Paris are posted adjacent seats "* cough * of course ... So if the series 33 and series 48 "adjacent seats" are ... I do not know XD but it was very funny.

We have not slept for 12 hours XD

and the flight attendant at least 10 times "please be quiet"


boah and when we arrived it was in Japan 8 clock morning ... So no sleep ... * Cough *

I've done on the plane

I would say 40 hours? I have not slept and when we arrived in Japan ... Well the day we could not check in before tonight ... we were all wet with sweat because it was so hot and we all stunk XD but we could not shower go XD

naja tired and we were all male LOL

That's I with Sonja and Jessica at the airport where we had to make our case.

That was when we walked around in Yokohama 8D

my Maccha-Frappucino *___*

I will now take a biiiiiiite ~

naja otherwise was nothing really interesting in Yokohama ...

Well then 2 days ago I came to my host family san

Takuya and Mariya san ^____^

They are both very nice XD

we really have a lot of fun 8D

on 2 Day there was Takoyaki *_______*

I've eaten 30 pieces = D

boah me I've eaten so XDDD

and only because I did not know what "I'm tired" in Japanese means LOL

jeztzt I know, luckily = D

On Tuesday, the first time then I saw my new school ...

She is really as great as it looks on the air D:

I have found that at my school is yet another exchange student. 8D

It also comes from Deustchland, specifically Berlin. It is driven with a different organization than I am. I am with AYUSA, came with AFS.

Then we were eating pasta XDDD

So Well from the day I get my school uniform 8D

I think the favorite playing of you have already seen, but for all they have not yet seen:

I find better than I thought.

Unfortunately, I have the nu-sleeved blouse D:

was just cheaper way and we have to wear long-sleeved blouse before the mid-October, so it has not really paid off Wed also still to buy the short ...

But now I glaueb I had bought them anyway ..

It is sooo hot that I think every morning, "Where is the nearest air conditioner?"

And at the train station I bought my ticket then. Pretty expensive D: not like us at the chocolate Ticket 30 € a month, anywhere ... I have about 60 € jezz un pays really must only drive the route from my station to the station at my school.

And for the bus that I take out of the station from home, I need extra card again ne ... although a bit cheaper but still ... So I come every month to about 100 € only for school D: is

Japan expensive!

then so was my first day at school on Wednesday. I was sooo excited.

It was hard enough at all to find the school.

You must know I have inen long way to school. I must first take a bus to Kamatori-Eki from there the line to Sotobo Soga and since then transfer to the Keiyo Line to Kaihin-Makuhari and from there I have again about 10 minutes walk.

Only I'm in Kaihin-Makuhari taken the wrong exit -.-''

and searching for the right time .. then off XD impossible. So I'm asking because someone did as distributed flyers ... I so "where you go to my school" and have thus shown on the school badge, because I the time did not know exactly how my school is called XD

I so "i do with Shibuya" Fortunately, he had been informed then ... , and I have still not found the way ... He said right but I am idiot ran ... LINKS * Cough *

kwnnt yes its me;)

On Thursday I had then free:)

because tests were written, and I always "test days" have free muhahaha

This brings me a week off in October and in December 11 days = D

And then on Friday was my first real day of school.

was hard.

Did you know that your mind shuts off automatically and you will be tired if you do not understand a word?

I knew it until now XD non

I make my views on Japanese economy and world history ... impossible XD

chemistry was fine because by taking the straight from the substance, as we had last year ... Ion XD

and math is sooo komsich in Japan.

For us it's normal from the 9? 10? Class a to use the calculator because the numbers and the procedures are too complicated.

have here none of the calculator, the count charged under 10! can expect

and only things that manim head ... and well ... You know that my mental arithmetic skills-sin under all (* cough * * cough * Syntax Error Celina?)

and yet I do not come with ... The write Tues formulas they always use in sentences with sooooo many kanji D:

and if I do not know the formula, I can not count D:

I feel so stupid because before actually are the tasks for 7 school year.

English I had with an Australian. He is also totally incorrect. I was just "OMG I understand what" really happy XD

natürlih And we had sport ... clearly, my first day at school uned what's ... Sports DDDD:

luckily we have made them the basics of volleyball ... and all I can ... XD

I never thought that I would be ever grateful to Mr. Hartman that we have 6 months in the school volleyball made spot.

The girls in my class are all very nice: D

I understand only half because all are always talking so fast, but they repeat almost everything for me again in slow so I understand it.

all goes well;)


I Saturday School T_________________T

that although only until 11:30

won T_____T

I do not like it D:

Well so yesterday was Saturday and I was lucky and Takuya drove me to school 8D

that meant no sweat stains when I arrive at school XDD

and I was also picked up 8D

Since then we have gone first lunch I had pasta ... did well after all the rice XD

and then we were picking Nashis * __ *

was damn funny XD

the trees were just very deep XD a bit went to the Kni and back LOL

when I Nashi pflüken XD

my Gastma Mariya = D

And this is my host father Takuya 8D

Our yield XDDD ~
But things are also expensive D:
but so damn tasty: D

after that we were short in yen exchange my Euros ... jeztz I have money again XD

御 金

after we were eat sushi 8D

I have squid and tuna and salmon and shrimp

damn nice = D

today is Sunday and I have finally managed to write anything done.

Since you are not proud of me?


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