Sunday, December 26, 2010

What Should The Mother Of The Bride Wear


Our Christmas party at the cafe was pretty funny and, as so often humid happy. I need to upload the pictures :-). There was delicious food and a voucher for the bowling - shirts. Let's see how the are.

Christmas was very nice and funny. Although my grandmother somehow missing. But it was good the way it was and we had very nice time. On 25 I've even worked. Was already tiring to drive at night again after Lich. But it was okay, very quiet and I like to work for Nina. Today we were
had family day and my grandma, aunt and uncle eat there. It was as always very long. I find it nice when the family together eat.

My blood levels have also improved super. The CRP is on steroids within 3 weeks of just 45 11 down! Yeah! That's fine. I'm feeling much better and more active. Of course this is not without side effects. In the 3 weeks I've had such a hunger. It's really not normal and I'm clear then, of course equal to 3 pounds on it more. Of the remaining adverse times to mention. But on Tuesday I have an appointment and I hope I can go back the deposed cortisone. And then I have to really do something for my character. Have a piece of paper found in the supermarket. Because someone is looking for his horses and I think I call then on again. I do not ride it is a sport like walk or jog. But I am quite good at it and my knee is better than jogging. And Tuesday I'll go swimming again! This is good for my legs.
see I am beginning to beat again in the country. I think sometimes you need just so a small positive thrust, then everything goes a bit easier. Not always but for me it was launched. Maybe I'll also finally with my story's on. I have such good ideas but every time I sit in front of the PC does nothing!
But we look up at the front. I go to work tomorrow and Tuesday I'm learning. Then the meeting time and again in the evening sewing since the date before Christmas is canceled due to the weather. Wednesday I meet up with Nathan to discuss New Year's Eve. And of course study and I will clean the bottom again in the apartment.


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