Friday, February 26, 2010

Karen Neuberger Clothing

fellow students!

Well, actually I have nothing against group work. But right now I'm really not good to talk!
Probably on which I will do my group work. It should be a scientific paper and prepare for the Bachelor's thesis. Although one can only exist or not, so there is no note. But still, I'm already cost them.
My work partner has just two sub-points should deal with it. I Introduction, definition, two sub-points, summary (because who has not even reported), and all around it. So footnotes to arrange the literature
etc. He does not work, his parents are on vacation and his grandmother cooks for him. The only do what he must employ the dog!

Only one thing, I'm a waiter or two times a week at a restaurant once a week working in a tax office, have two times a week training and still give guitar lessons. I do this well and because I like to have parents you've financed everything. (I would have to be funded also likely to me all proud.) And then comes the real with his part of which is under all pig! I mean what if I make a group work then I should ever have everything for spelling mistakes and thus verified. What he has not really made, otherwise such things would not be in, the I've found.
And then so what! If one is to describe a development, then you catch it at the beginning, right? He starts today with so in 2010 and the European Union or a ministry to them. Halloho! We are talking about a development! So from earlier today!
Not today, tomorrow!
And then he adds a graphics without explaining them properly in the text. Let alone that he write down where he has written a definition completely.
Ups! That I forgot! Was the reply. THANK you ARSCHL ....! For the extra work! I have plenty of nothing else to do!

Boah and upsets me so! If I had but just made herself! Then I would have less stress and everything would already have done! Three weeks ago he said he was ready and would have only what "abtippseln" I've been waiting over two weeks. Sure, we have written exams at the time. But hey, he was already finished!
And I then ask if I can come to him on the Monday. Because of the work and such. I write as an exam and therefore really have no head for it, or write it to exams were still interested in him apparently not. I do not because of this exam or did not do much for the later exams did he know.
But I think after he was snapped. No matter!
I'll call him tomorrow and ask if he want to see his part so or whether he wants to change something.
And I will do my frustration with Prof. marked accordingly! Stupid Arschl .....!

It is now I feel better!


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