Saturday, December 18, 2010

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Cposterihachka for climate summit representative international organization Gender CC (Woman for climate justice) with an office in Berlin Hotelind Albert says: trading or cutting greenhouse gas emissions - is wrong. "We are very skeptical look at trade quotas. Especially in terms of women because we know the experience, when women do not receive incentives from carbon trade benefits. It is not fair. And we are confident that the long term and sustainable development - we, the countries that have the highest level of emissions, we must reduce. And we must start now, "- says an expert from the NGO. O. Vesnyanki Photo: Albert Hotelind

look at Yandeks.Fotkah
Fully material here:,, 6314454,00. html Something similar could be heard from the lips of Ukrainian expert of, knowledge of eco-yurystky:

look at Yandeks.Fotkah

trip journalist was supported by the International Renaissance Foundation.


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