Friday, February 18, 2011

Maine State Inspection Stickers

European Convention opens the way for same-sex couples adoption of children in Ukraine. Human rights groups are concerned

Ukrainian Parliament ratified the European Convention on Adoption children. States may extend this Convention to same-sex couples who are married or are in a registered partnership or live together in stable relationships.

Verkhovna Rada ratified the European Convention on adoption. International document specifies the requirements for adoption, defines a list of persons who must consent to adoption. Also, some provisions of the Convention allow adoption by same-sex couples of children. According But with the Family Code, to adopt a child can only opposite-sex couple that married. The document also allows States Parties to adopt provisions that are more favorable for adoption.

ahead - the process of approximation

Officials promise to adapt Ukrainian legislation, but whether it concerns the prospects for adoption for gays and lesbians - not specify. Member of the Coordinating Council of Ukrainian public Organization "Gay-Forum of Ukraine Anna Dovhopol also not convinced that the European Convention will operate fully and to same-sex couples in Ukraine. "Indeed, it must change the laws and impose same-sex partnerships Institute and State to this Convention does not oblige, "- she said DW.

more interesting:,, 14849627,00. html

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