Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Write Definition Poems

Do I prizhivutsya \u0026lt;passive home>>

latest trends and technologies in architecture, construction and repair are presented in a specialized international exhibition in Stuttgart. German architects are willing to share their experience with Ukrainian colleagues.
term "passive house" refers carefully developed and checked In Germany the standard of energy efficiency in buildings. It is used in buildings with extremely low energy consumption for heating or cooling premises. Founder of RMP ARCHITEKTEN Mannhaymu Roland Mattsih - the international art exhibition on renewable energy and "passive houses" in Stuttgart.

acomodations in albome « Germany 2011 » v esny-olga on Yandeks.Fotkah

He has nearly 15 years implementing these standards in projects in the EU and Turkey: in the portfolio of the company - designing the world's only clinic, built according to standard "passive house" in Frankfurt. This standard applies not only to residential buildings and some office buildings, schools, kindergartens also built by him. After the two projects in Russia plans conduct educational seminars for architects in Ukraine and Belarus on the "passive design. According Mattsiha in Eastern Europe, German architect still make the first steps towards promoting the standard of construction: "The problem is it difficult to coordinate contracts, technical aspects. While this does not earn, "- says an engineer.

not cheap fun

In his words, Belarusian and Ukrainian architects have already heard a lot of these technologies are also very interested in them. As for the cost of construction of "passive house", the Mattsih no secret that it is not cheap fun. "Of course, you need something invest more in this building than usual. Everything must be top grade, but the money back fairly quickly. This standard will pay off sooner than for 10 years "- he argues.

acomodations in albome « Germany 2011 » v esny-olga on Yandeks.Fotkah

In turn, the director of another German company involved in construction projects in Kiev "Energydesign Stuttgart» Robert Himmler believes that now before the implementation of this standard in Ukraine is too much difficulty. "Building a passive house in Ukraine - it is still expensive thing, because you must first major investments, and now probably does not make sense to build them. But with the changes in tariff policy on energy, this time coming for "passive houses" in Ukraine - the future "- convinced Himmler.

Exhibitions in Ukraine

Meanwhile the head of the initiative "Project passive house" engineer Florian Lammayer believes that it is promoting the idea of a passive house in Ukraine can be considered very successful. Using the online resource for engineers distribute literature specialists. Also, a mobile exhibition "passive house" that she organized jointly with the German Society of International Technical Cooperation for the last year attended by about two thousand people in each of the Ukrainian cities where exposure exhibited. Wishing to have a talk with the Ukrainian and German specialists. Today, traveling exhibition of energy efficient technologies in construction already visited 12 cities of Ukraine. Now, having received applications from 20 different cities of Ukraine who are interested in the exhibition of, planned route for this and next years. This year the "Passive House Project" beginning to organize specialized training courses certified designers and passive energy efficient houses on the European model.

author: Olga Vesnyanka,, 14840249,00. Html


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