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German National Platform "Eastern Partnership" - an additional opportunity develop cooperation with the EU

National Platform "Eastern Partnership" as additional opportunity to develop cooperation with the EU

Representatives of Ukrainian civil society organizations consider the policy of the Eastern Partnership opportunity to develop further cooperation with the EU. This created a national platform of the Eastern Partnership ".

The Council of the newly created association became national coordinator for Ukraine Civil Society Forum "Eastern Partnership" Igor Kohut. He says that from the Ukrainian NGOs in Brussels expect that the latter can qualitatively evaluate the development policies of the Eastern Partnership, to form recommendations to the Commission, carry out information campaign to influence the Ukrainian authorities in European integration. "Since we expect high-quality documents and active campaigns, - Said Kohut. The memorandum

platform component of the known information about the program states. According to Kohut, in Ukraine on the Eastern Partnership know little: "The inaugural conference for many NGOs present was a revelation, even though our survey showed some level of awareness policy, the presence of many contacts in the partner countries of the region and the EU, most organizations face the challenge of providing appropriate information ".

President All the environmental organization "MAMA-86-Onisimova Golubovska Hanna, who also joined the board of the Ukrainian National Platform Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership, said that European officials expect Ukrainian organizations that they work more in Ukraine, not only at international events, bringing the different areas of political, economic, human development and ecological security to EU standards.

«And yet - actively promote European values, to act as driver and pusher reform and qualified controller performance obligations Ukraine undertook the preparation of the Association Agreement - as well for other partner countries "- said Golubovska-Onisimova interview Deutsche Welle.

Asked or may be useful for Ukraine's European integration a new association, Golubovska-Onisimova replies that it depends on the national platform together representatives of think tanks and NGOs from all over Ukraine, which in its activities, pay attention to European topics and willing to work together in the context of European integration of Ukraine.

In her opinion, the platform should not be an active political player in Ukraine, but be platform for uniting various associations, coalitions, networks, organizations and ekcpertiv performing work on monitoring yevroreform, most involve to their regular meeting to "strengthen the choir voices of European integration, which is sounding louder every year.

Author: Olga Vesnyanka,, 14812007,00. Html


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