Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Herpes Zoster In The Hip

: MIA universities may be closed to women

In Women's Rights Center "La Strada-Ukraine" claim - discriminatory government issued orders that through this year higher educational establishments of the girls can not join.

Staff Center "La Strada-Ukraine" claim that the 2011 women actually deprived opportunities to enter higher educational establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. This is contrary to the constitution, a number of laws and international obligations Ukraine in the field of human rights, emphasizing human rights.

In conversation with representatives of Deutsche Welle Center "La Strada-Ukraine" explained that it was available to cabinet ministers to "experiment with training for the interior. It is proposed to train specialists in the scheme "Cadet - soldier - cadet.

Gender discrimination

As advocates argue, the conclusion of gender restrictions dyskryminatsiynist derived from the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service". This law stipulates that "military service in peacetime encouraged suitable for this due to health male citizens of Ukraine.

Center "La Strada" asked to cancel the document. Letters from the appropriate appeals human rights directed to the presidential administration and government.

Next: http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,, 14842314,00. Html

of Twitter: Human rights groups are concerned: universities are MIA close to women http://tinyurl.com/475rufw


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