Friday, February 25, 2011

Login For Techdecklive

Ukrainian increasingly protestuyut ü, while often violate their rights.

In Kiev on Thursday presented the joint report of the Ukrainian human rights organizations on human rights situation for the years 2009-2010 research use, in particular the Council of Europe, UN, OSCE.

after presidential elections in 2010 the first new government inherited a system problems in the area of human rights: the massive violations of rights fair trial, protection against torture, illegal detention, poverty, discrimination against vulnerable groups, etc.. This is stated in the report "Human Rights in Ukraine - 2009-2010. As said Deutsche Welle employee of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union Hovoruhina Marina, this study is important for many international institutions, it oriented to the OSCE and Council of Europe. Above this report working more than 40 human rights organizations from all regions of Ukraine, more than 80 experts - such report only in Ukraine, adds Hovoruhina. The document states that the actions of Ukrainian authorities over the review period indicate no intention to change situation for the better, and the collapse of even the minimum of positive changes and the emergence of new trends in human rights violations.

Protest activity increases

Hovoruhina believes, the human rights situation in Ukraine affects European integration: "The European Parliament recently stated: The Action Plan Association Agreement with the EU stated adherence to democratic standards, and if you become aware of the deterioration in this area - a chance to become an associate member Ukraine and the EU in less "- she says.
Defenders argue, protest activity against human rights violations increase. "Heads of state should realize that put pressure on society will lead to acute conflicts. However, the government, by contrast, in the second half of 2010 has resorted to outright political persecution " - Said the report. In their view, political persecution are criminal cases against members of the business Maidan, members "Trident" and "Svoboda" and former officials.

No breakthrough

Chairman of the Ukrainian Helsinki Arkady Bushchenko in comments Deutsche Welle could not think of a breakthrough last year in the field of human rights. He believes that the Ukrainian protest - is positive. "This reaction to the policy if resistance increases, people do not like the government. But the government has to listen to the public mood, she tries to crush those protests. For a democratic government is wrong, should communicate with the public ", - he stressed.
Some changes in legislation regarding the detention of minors, criminal procedure Code of extradition - Lawyer Bushchenko called progressive. "It was also a Constitutional Court decision that recognized the unconstitutional arrest for vagrancy, But that's all "- adds Buschenko. He said that this report, like previous ones, as evidence will use the European Court of Human Rights.

author: Olga Vesnyanka
in tweeters: Ukrainian increasingly protest, while violating their rights more often

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Can You Do With A Life License

and a German forest ... Belarusian partisans

acomodations in albome « Germany 2011 » v esny-olga on Yandeks.Fotkah

fact, as I was told local - that white-red-white colors of the company that takes care of this forest-)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Maine State Inspection Stickers

European Convention opens the way for same-sex couples adoption of children in Ukraine. Human rights groups are concerned

Ukrainian Parliament ratified the European Convention on Adoption children. States may extend this Convention to same-sex couples who are married or are in a registered partnership or live together in stable relationships.

Verkhovna Rada ratified the European Convention on adoption. International document specifies the requirements for adoption, defines a list of persons who must consent to adoption. Also, some provisions of the Convention allow adoption by same-sex couples of children. According But with the Family Code, to adopt a child can only opposite-sex couple that married. The document also allows States Parties to adopt provisions that are more favorable for adoption.

ahead - the process of approximation

Officials promise to adapt Ukrainian legislation, but whether it concerns the prospects for adoption for gays and lesbians - not specify. Member of the Coordinating Council of Ukrainian public Organization "Gay-Forum of Ukraine Anna Dovhopol also not convinced that the European Convention will operate fully and to same-sex couples in Ukraine. "Indeed, it must change the laws and impose same-sex partnerships Institute and State to this Convention does not oblige, "- she said DW.

more interesting:,, 14849627,00. html

of Twitter: The European Convention opens the way for adoption of children in same-sex couples Ukraine 4fzgw5u

SEE on Yandeks.Fotkah

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Herpes Zoster In The Hip

: MIA universities may be closed to women

In Women's Rights Center "La Strada-Ukraine" claim - discriminatory government issued orders that through this year higher educational establishments of the girls can not join.

Staff Center "La Strada-Ukraine" claim that the 2011 women actually deprived opportunities to enter higher educational establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. This is contrary to the constitution, a number of laws and international obligations Ukraine in the field of human rights, emphasizing human rights.

In conversation with representatives of Deutsche Welle Center "La Strada-Ukraine" explained that it was available to cabinet ministers to "experiment with training for the interior. It is proposed to train specialists in the scheme "Cadet - soldier - cadet.

Gender discrimination

As advocates argue, the conclusion of gender restrictions dyskryminatsiynist derived from the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service". This law stipulates that "military service in peacetime encouraged suitable for this due to health male citizens of Ukraine.

Center "La Strada" asked to cancel the document. Letters from the appropriate appeals human rights directed to the presidential administration and government.

Next:,, 14842314,00. Html

of Twitter: Human rights groups are concerned: universities are MIA close to women

Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Write Definition Poems

Do I prizhivutsya \u0026lt;passive home>>

latest trends and technologies in architecture, construction and repair are presented in a specialized international exhibition in Stuttgart. German architects are willing to share their experience with Ukrainian colleagues.
term "passive house" refers carefully developed and checked In Germany the standard of energy efficiency in buildings. It is used in buildings with extremely low energy consumption for heating or cooling premises. Founder of RMP ARCHITEKTEN Mannhaymu Roland Mattsih - the international art exhibition on renewable energy and "passive houses" in Stuttgart.

acomodations in albome « Germany 2011 » v esny-olga on Yandeks.Fotkah

He has nearly 15 years implementing these standards in projects in the EU and Turkey: in the portfolio of the company - designing the world's only clinic, built according to standard "passive house" in Frankfurt. This standard applies not only to residential buildings and some office buildings, schools, kindergartens also built by him. After the two projects in Russia plans conduct educational seminars for architects in Ukraine and Belarus on the "passive design. According Mattsiha in Eastern Europe, German architect still make the first steps towards promoting the standard of construction: "The problem is it difficult to coordinate contracts, technical aspects. While this does not earn, "- says an engineer.

not cheap fun

In his words, Belarusian and Ukrainian architects have already heard a lot of these technologies are also very interested in them. As for the cost of construction of "passive house", the Mattsih no secret that it is not cheap fun. "Of course, you need something invest more in this building than usual. Everything must be top grade, but the money back fairly quickly. This standard will pay off sooner than for 10 years "- he argues.

acomodations in albome « Germany 2011 » v esny-olga on Yandeks.Fotkah

In turn, the director of another German company involved in construction projects in Kiev "Energydesign Stuttgart» Robert Himmler believes that now before the implementation of this standard in Ukraine is too much difficulty. "Building a passive house in Ukraine - it is still expensive thing, because you must first major investments, and now probably does not make sense to build them. But with the changes in tariff policy on energy, this time coming for "passive houses" in Ukraine - the future "- convinced Himmler.

Exhibitions in Ukraine

Meanwhile the head of the initiative "Project passive house" engineer Florian Lammayer believes that it is promoting the idea of a passive house in Ukraine can be considered very successful. Using the online resource for engineers distribute literature specialists. Also, a mobile exhibition "passive house" that she organized jointly with the German Society of International Technical Cooperation for the last year attended by about two thousand people in each of the Ukrainian cities where exposure exhibited. Wishing to have a talk with the Ukrainian and German specialists. Today, traveling exhibition of energy efficient technologies in construction already visited 12 cities of Ukraine. Now, having received applications from 20 different cities of Ukraine who are interested in the exhibition of, planned route for this and next years. This year the "Passive House Project" beginning to organize specialized training courses certified designers and passive energy efficient houses on the European model.

author: Olga Vesnyanka,, 14840249,00. Html

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ski Doo Parts Wholesale

My Kiddy's

I was there on Sunday with my girls competition. And it went great! That was sooooo cool! Which are driven so beautiful! And we are also still come in time! If the next week works out well and we qualifizierne us for Hesse! That would be so great!

The girls have beaten really great even though we were so early. I really hope the next weekend it is just great.

so now I have my own hand Medicare's discontinued. And I feel really good. Well, a little stress on Wochenede had the stomach but otherwise I am going to beat me. No pain or anything and I finally have this "alcohol - back away. Man, I normally see you again off! No more pimples and stuff. These were übriegends the side effects or after effects from Corti Sion. These were "steroid - pimples".

Oh wonderful! You feel normal again and see again like this! Just have to get off the kilo's that I've angefuttert by cortisone and the water should get out. What fits for one lucky my tights again. Although there is real work morgends squeeze in, but that does not do anything for his health. Since I last week was something ausgenogt was with does not have as much going on really. But I was Saturday again swim times and it has done me great.
I'm going tomorrow to get a girlfriend and then'll go swimming again. Must go Call my aunt, she has such a home trainer. I know that this really is not sport, but for muscle building, I think it is not that bad. Do come again so slowly to his feet.

My flower is risen! Looks great with the 4 flowers. Do they necessarily even take pictures! The flower's only once a year.

belongings at the weekend had such a spleen and I started to crochet a potholder. Ask me why net, but somehow I thought I made for my new apartment, because when I put so much pure, and even crocheted potholders need.
'm just experimenting on what looks best. Let's see if that will was.

also I'm finally progressed to my story. Have finally begun to organize the chapters and the push to finish in a new folder. So slowly I was progressing, although I think I still need to loose the summer will to eventually do with the items may be. Wants to be ready to post to. But it looks pretty good. Even though my other story must therefore pause, but I just do not train right now to write it. At least not on the parts I need for a friend to post.
is on! Actually the whole

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pacemaker After Valve Replacement

in Ukraine Ukrainian circus artists captivate audiences

in Europe are accustomed to that circus school graduates from Ukraine - high skill and discipline. And yet - inventive and unique numbers. In winter show Stuttgart variety program - multiple artists from Ukraine.

«Friedrichsbau Varieté» works in Stuttgart - the capital of the federal state of Baden-Wurttemberg in the south West Germany - since 1994. As spokesman said the concert facility Masha Hyulzevih (Mascha Hülsewig), a variety show well known not only in Germany but also abroad.

acomodations in albome « Germany 2011 » v esny-olga on Yandeks.Fotkah

his popularity owes it interesting thematic theater programs and skill of artists - singers, dancers, circus artists from different countries. Many of them are from Ukraine, as, for example, John Zubkevych acrobat.

As told Deutsche Welle Masha Hyulzevih, Ukrainian artists willingly invited to work because they are well prepared and their performances really impressive: "Methods Ukrainian Ivan Zubkevycha unique, it is very impressive. Circus School in Kiev, teaches at a very high artistic level. Almost every show is at least one number from Ukraine. "

Contrary to the laws of gravity

Zubkevych serving in the program «Royal Variety» («The Royal Variety Show) you can visit in the winter season on 12 February. It present a show as "a trip to the country of dreams." About John is in the program indicated that he "thanks to a huge acrobatics can handle all the laws of gravity.

artist himself told Deutsche Welle, which in Kiev, it would be very difficult to work with this number: "There is no decent conditions and pay. This must spend much time, effort and energy. We must somehow compensate for this energy. Zubkevych said that dealing with air gymnastics belts: "I call a belt-ekvilibr because it Mix with ekvilibrom belt.

acomodations in albome « Germany 2011 » v esny-olga on Yandeks.Fotkah

his time John Zubkevych even won a gold medal at one of the circus arts festivals in France. As he says these contests are interesting for artists as You can see how growing circus art: "The festival is always trying to bring something original. And now the circus is appreciated if you do something unusual and original.

«Circus - is not only animals»

in "The Royal Variety Show but John also serve youth from Kyiv akrobatky and Donetsk - Zhornyak Helen, Catherine and Alain Styekolnikova Rudenko, together they - Trio "Bingo". Earlier, girls were only in sports, even participated in the International Championship of acrobatics. "I will say that this is not the same impression. Variety easier. Because the sport - a job, a responsibility. Artist - It is also the responsibility, but this work, which is fun "- says Elena Zhornyak artist.

acomodations in albome « Germany 2011 » v esny-olga on Yandeks.Fotkah

In general, graduates of the Ukrainian choreography and circus schools willingly take part in various shows. According to Ivan Zubkevych in Germany developed culture variety show, circus arts. "We mainly the notion of the circus - People think that animals should see clowns. They do not realize that the circus - so much more. This theater, stunts, motions and emotions through the trick. And when the public sees the numbers, she understands that the circus - it's not just animals "- says the artist.

One of these shows in «Friedrichsbau Varieté» entitled "Siren" - fully staged Ukrainian. The idea kievlyanina Igor Protsenko, choreography by Irene Herman, the show will involve about 18 artists, most of them - from Ukraine and Russia. As said Mrs. Hyulzevih, performance held with the rhythms of Balkan ethnic music in the modern arrangement. The program will show from 15 April to 11 June. Interestingly, in some avenues show called "Russian avant-garde» - «Die Russische Avantgarde».

Author: Olga Vesnyanka,, 14814561,00. Html

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Free Fitness Equipment Blueprints

German National Platform "Eastern Partnership" - an additional opportunity develop cooperation with the EU

National Platform "Eastern Partnership" as additional opportunity to develop cooperation with the EU

Representatives of Ukrainian civil society organizations consider the policy of the Eastern Partnership opportunity to develop further cooperation with the EU. This created a national platform of the Eastern Partnership ".

The Council of the newly created association became national coordinator for Ukraine Civil Society Forum "Eastern Partnership" Igor Kohut. He says that from the Ukrainian NGOs in Brussels expect that the latter can qualitatively evaluate the development policies of the Eastern Partnership, to form recommendations to the Commission, carry out information campaign to influence the Ukrainian authorities in European integration. "Since we expect high-quality documents and active campaigns, - Said Kohut. The memorandum

platform component of the known information about the program states. According to Kohut, in Ukraine on the Eastern Partnership know little: "The inaugural conference for many NGOs present was a revelation, even though our survey showed some level of awareness policy, the presence of many contacts in the partner countries of the region and the EU, most organizations face the challenge of providing appropriate information ".

President All the environmental organization "MAMA-86-Onisimova Golubovska Hanna, who also joined the board of the Ukrainian National Platform Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership, said that European officials expect Ukrainian organizations that they work more in Ukraine, not only at international events, bringing the different areas of political, economic, human development and ecological security to EU standards.

«And yet - actively promote European values, to act as driver and pusher reform and qualified controller performance obligations Ukraine undertook the preparation of the Association Agreement - as well for other partner countries "- said Golubovska-Onisimova interview Deutsche Welle.

Asked or may be useful for Ukraine's European integration a new association, Golubovska-Onisimova replies that it depends on the national platform together representatives of think tanks and NGOs from all over Ukraine, which in its activities, pay attention to European topics and willing to work together in the context of European integration of Ukraine.

In her opinion, the platform should not be an active political player in Ukraine, but be platform for uniting various associations, coalitions, networks, organizations and ekcpertiv performing work on monitoring yevroreform, most involve to their regular meeting to "strengthen the choir voices of European integration, which is sounding louder every year.

Author: Olga Vesnyanka,, 14812007,00. Html

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Softball Pitcher Big Boobs

assembly and other horrors

has already started on Sunday. My sister has her birthday nachgefeiert. And I was morgends already totally flat, was not hungry and wanted to be at home . Remain On Monday the same
went on and I got even breathing problems. I thought at the beginning is not really what did it and made my spray. But that was not better and I was still breast pain Dolls will make. As if someone pushes you along the rib cage. It was then a real hyperventilate. Great! My mom is with me went to a casting Lungenfachärztzin and then it went a little better. To clarify, we were allowed to again go into the hospital to CT, so there is no pulmonary embolism. It was fortunately not.
Tuesday I've written exam and have already noticed that it starts again. As I do every Tuesday to the blood pricking go I thought, the faster you're there the better. If you umkippst is, after all, a doctor there or one of the medical assistants. When I got
pricking blood immediately said that's not me doing well and I would quite like to lie down. Has also had all worked perfectly after that I just break. So much so right. I was so damn bad! I wanted to go home, but they did not let me. Was indeed a good thing. Not that I folded in the car or something. If it were not so great.
you have called my dad to pick me.
Then came yet again by a doctor and I'm cooking what salt and get to the nausea. This could all get on the medication I receive. That would be in the beginning the phase. Would actually tolerated the drug well, but there's just always exceptions.
slept almost 1 1 / 2 hours, but then felt better. Although still not really good but still so good that I could drive my car home. 've Slept again after 3 hours on the couch.
Today I feel better. The belly is still always a bit insufferable, but I must not break. And goes to get air again to the bottom. Nevertheless, I do now for the first time Suppenkur. Not that again tomorrow comes. I can not do with the exam stress!