Friday, February 25, 2011

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Ukrainian increasingly protestuyut ü, while often violate their rights.

In Kiev on Thursday presented the joint report of the Ukrainian human rights organizations on human rights situation for the years 2009-2010 research use, in particular the Council of Europe, UN, OSCE.

after presidential elections in 2010 the first new government inherited a system problems in the area of human rights: the massive violations of rights fair trial, protection against torture, illegal detention, poverty, discrimination against vulnerable groups, etc.. This is stated in the report "Human Rights in Ukraine - 2009-2010. As said Deutsche Welle employee of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union Hovoruhina Marina, this study is important for many international institutions, it oriented to the OSCE and Council of Europe. Above this report working more than 40 human rights organizations from all regions of Ukraine, more than 80 experts - such report only in Ukraine, adds Hovoruhina. The document states that the actions of Ukrainian authorities over the review period indicate no intention to change situation for the better, and the collapse of even the minimum of positive changes and the emergence of new trends in human rights violations.

Protest activity increases

Hovoruhina believes, the human rights situation in Ukraine affects European integration: "The European Parliament recently stated: The Action Plan Association Agreement with the EU stated adherence to democratic standards, and if you become aware of the deterioration in this area - a chance to become an associate member Ukraine and the EU in less "- she says.
Defenders argue, protest activity against human rights violations increase. "Heads of state should realize that put pressure on society will lead to acute conflicts. However, the government, by contrast, in the second half of 2010 has resorted to outright political persecution " - Said the report. In their view, political persecution are criminal cases against members of the business Maidan, members "Trident" and "Svoboda" and former officials.

No breakthrough

Chairman of the Ukrainian Helsinki Arkady Bushchenko in comments Deutsche Welle could not think of a breakthrough last year in the field of human rights. He believes that the Ukrainian protest - is positive. "This reaction to the policy if resistance increases, people do not like the government. But the government has to listen to the public mood, she tries to crush those protests. For a democratic government is wrong, should communicate with the public ", - he stressed.
Some changes in legislation regarding the detention of minors, criminal procedure Code of extradition - Lawyer Bushchenko called progressive. "It was also a Constitutional Court decision that recognized the unconstitutional arrest for vagrancy, But that's all "- adds Buschenko. He said that this report, like previous ones, as evidence will use the European Court of Human Rights.

author: Olga Vesnyanka
in tweeters: Ukrainian increasingly protest, while violating their rights more often

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Can You Do With A Life License

and a German forest ... Belarusian partisans

acomodations in albome « Germany 2011 » v esny-olga on Yandeks.Fotkah

fact, as I was told local - that white-red-white colors of the company that takes care of this forest-)