Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Does Shaving Cause Yeast Infections

Korkodym Elena, Olga Vesnyanka, Telekritika GPU accuses Yulia Tymoshenko of abuse of funds from the sale of quotas under the Kyoto Protocol. Maybe at least now the media interested navkoloklimatychnoyu topic? Climate Change Summit COP16, which before was in Mexico with the participation of 192 States, did not cause serious information to the media much of the world and Ukraine in particular. of 16 th Conference Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change that from 29 November to 10 December continued in Cancun, the participants waited for the new post-Kyoto agreement and the media attention to the urgent problems. First talk about sensitive issues of ecology, sustainable development, economy, politics and the need for public oversight of governmental representatives countries - to viewers, readers and listeners know about what is said during negotiations makers and officials and the impact on communities and society in general. However, disappointment befell them.

First, cold accepted American media conference. Second, compared to the previous climate summit Copenhagen, European media were less represented and therefore not as extensive coverage of events. During the summit in Copenhagen were two camera crews Groups from the Ukraine - "Inter" and Tonis. This year, with few exceptions, the summit did not become a pretext for informational Ukrainian media and urged them to cover the climatic and environmental problems and issues of modernization of industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Not every Ukrainian channel is ready to delegate the crew to Cancun by selecting about 1200 U.S. dollars per person. Although budget problems could not be brought to television channels or magazines that have news bureau in the U.S. or special correspondent in America. In particular, the geographic proximity of Mexico and the U.S. took the Russian news agency ITAR TASS, whose correspondent in Mexico City Sergey Novozhilov worked during a summit in Cancun, quickly giving the news of the negotiations. According to him, during summit in Cancun worked as correspondent of RIA Novosti.
acomodations in albome « Nerazobrannoe in Mexico, cop16 »


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photo O. Vesnyanki Obviously, this weak interest in this year's climate summit can be explained by the fact that, unlike Copenhagen, it is attended by leaders of the world level - not Barack Obama or Angela Merkel or Dmitry Medvedev. However, states often delegation headed by presidents or prime ministers. Ukraine during a high-level performances represented Cabinet Minister Anatoly Tolstoukhov. with accreditation to Mexico As described "Telekritika" one of the employees of the department to work with the Media Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Hyuterez Carolina (Carolina Gutierrez), responsible for the accreditation of journalists at the Summit in COP16, journalists who worked in Cancun, especially interested in participating in the conference high-ranking politicians, mostly from their own countries.

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Carolina Huterez
According to Mrs. Hyuterez, applications for accreditation submitted more than four thousand media representatives are accredited only two thousand people - this was the year's quota for the media from the secretariat of the summit. Preference provide local Mexican media and journalists from developing countries. According to employee mediaviddilu secretariat of the UN Convention, finally arrived and worked about 1300 media representatives. With this information, quantitatively dominated by television, print representatives came less inernet media and publications and the least - the radio. Most journalists came from China, and an order of magnitude smaller - from Europe. Particularly with the TV company came to DW 6 people from different departments. Among them is the free correspondent of the Ukrainian version of DW radio and the only journalist from Ukraine, who worked at the Summit, Olga Vesnyanka, trip which was made possible by support from the International Renaissance Foundation. However, even in the Ukrainian media could cover Ukraine's international negotiations, and not sending journalists to Mexico. This should only try to find out what it is there referred to, and ask for feedback to the relevant officials, economists, environmentalists and others in Ukraine. For example, in a press release of the National Environmental Investment Agency of Ukraine and the Working Group on Climate change was not only the position of the Ukrainian delegation at the summit, but was given a phone number in Kiev, so you can connect with environmental organizations in Ukraine that followed the progress of negotiations at COP16. However, the footage from Mexico were not available to all channels. In particular, as the chief information service channel ICTV Elena Frolyak, Reuters subscribers can count on video only two events COP16 - arrival boat "Turanor, which works on solar energy.

The full text of more here: http://osvita.telekritika.ua/material/1225


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