Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Can A Beauty Mark Be Removed Through Laser

female activists Movement against emissions trading CO2

German "green" activists urge Ukrainian environmentalists not to remain indifferent to the development of nuclear energy Mass protests against the development of recently hit the spotlight in German society.

founder of the International Organization Gender CC (Women for Climate justice) from Berlin Hotelind Albert believes that construction of new reactors, as well as further use of the old - a very dangerous trend in Ukraine. Albert, who is particularly expert on adaptation to climate change and "green energy", says that nuclear power is not as "clean" emissions greenhouse gases, as it often is presented: "If you look at the so-called full cycle of the plant, all of this - not for carbon neutral and also affects the climate, and affects everyone ", - she says. However, the reactors are dangerous in themselves, are always risks of emergencies, and shows how expert This can happen everywhere - not only in Ukraine. In Germany too, the risk - this is terrorism. "Since the terrorist can take a plane and send it to the power plant, - Warns Albert ( http://climatechangemedia.ning.com/profile/GotelindAlber
Next: http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,, 14755094,00. Html

in Twi: "Green activists from Germany called jointly fight against the Ukrainian nuclear Energy http://tinyurl.com/29w4ejf


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