Sunday, April 5, 2009

What Happens When You Get Herpes?

Now marvelous time. All dissolved.

Hello, the first spring grass!
As dissolved? Are you glad heat?

know, y you have there fun and jam,
worked together in each ygly.

Vysynyt leaf il blue flower
Everyone hurries to the young root

Sooner than willow from tender buds
first show green leaf.
Sergei Gorodetsky

Ding! Don!
Ding! Don!
's that gentle ringing?
This prolesok-snowdrop
smiles in his sleep!

Whose furry ray
so tickled from behind the clouds,
Forcing kids
Smiling from ear to ear?

It Whose warmth,
Whose this Makes you smile kindness

Hare kyritsy, cat?
And for what reason?
spring comes
the city!

AND y pydelya-ylybka!
And akvariyme fish
Ulybnylas of some water
Smiley bird!

That They take,
What does not fit on one page

immense smile, -
What a pleasure!
That such length,
That such width!
And on kakomy povody?
spring comes
By gorody!


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