Friday, April 23, 2010

Can You Mount A Lmg In Cod4?

iPad - Apple is the major publisher in the world

Apple on the way to the major publishers: the iPad the face of the "New York Times

An article by me about the FAZ in the 29th January 2010 - view article

Under the heading

The principle of self-promotion
Ibrahim Evsan writes:

The networking of people continues unabated, social networks allow the self-marketing of journalists in a completely new environment with completely new possibilities . From a single Twitter account or the blog of a journalist, a self-marketing platform . Is a good reputation created only once, it is easy to the reader as a single journalist - accessible via the new Apple iBook-Store - without going through gatekeepers and publishers.

I think that Apple is the publishers and journalists the opportunity to create their own products.

Thanks to the multimedia capabilities of the iPad pictures, videos and music will grow together with the texts.

The combination of all known media in the presentation on a single device are no limits, anything can appear on the iPad, all a matter of software, which Apple dominates in perfection.
Apple has succeeded the entire value chain to include in their product strategy to control and . You customers to control the billing, the software base and a global distribution system. Apple only has the creativity of the human challenge in order to make sales. And the Apple usually manages extremely well. This Megastore in the background could be Apple with its iPad quickly become the largest publisher in the world.
The Apple iPad will soon appear on the German market. Then it will show in particular, whether the German publishers are ready for the new technology. IPad, with its special opportunities for them to be the acid test.


Each is his own editor!

is everything, and coincides with the "customer-profit" . This applies to any transaction for any business. Not the

own profit, but the "profit" of its customers makes Apple successful .

Experience, design, feeling, progress, superiority, etc. - "Customer-Profit", is what the customer wants. For business products or components as are economic savings and increased income, time and money, speed, etc. to make up the "customer-profit" as a whole. Everything always from a customer perspective - never from the perspective of the company.

Who has more customers than the competition-profit has no crisis. Apple will not be put.

No matter what Apple began was always the company revolutionized the recent market. Always with the help of his customers who wanted more ready as arrogant companies had to do for them. Dissatisfaction is the breeding ground for innovation. Apple changed the rules so that "play" to customers.

Apple's success is "customer-profit"!

Apple always provides a little more "customer-profit" than the competition. That anyone who is willing to "customer-profit strategy" move.

Make huge profits with new products!

Or, attach the competition from such as IKEA and Starbucks !

Other publications and tips for success:

people do not advertise!

self the latest marketing attempts fail !

Who speaks of target groups, and also looking for such will disappear from the market. I recommend that you read the Cluetrain Manifesto . You will read there that the people you want to be divided into target groups, the grasp of the advertisers and advertisers have withdrawn and for all.

Who not advertise who wins!

Why is the web many losers?

not their Goals but the goals of the customer decide on the use of resources!

295th Tip: The unbeatable pricing strategy by Apple as part of the "customer-profit strategy"

290th Tip: iPhone + Starbucks

289th Tip: 523 percent growth, just with more "customer-profit"

282nd Tip: Gillette against Wilkinson - The customer-driven innovation profit

270th Tip: How do you - such as IKEA and Starbucks - depend on the competition!

269th Tip: How to develop and market new products to and services? As you can shorten the lead time? How to get quickly to profitability?

268th Tip: The head of the customer chooses your future!

248th Tip: 10 marketing mistakes that cost in the long run the existence

246th Tip: If you are self-employed with no customers and no contracts makes goes bankrupt!

What to do?

first Specialize on "ideal customers" . Everything else is fragmentation, time and money!

second Convert to "ideal customer" view! Let choose the "ideal customers" what is important.

third Place the to what the "ideal client" wants. Then you make the deal .

Apple practiced Customer Profit Strategy!
IKEA practiced Customer Profit Strategy!
practiced Starbucks customer-profit strategy!
all began at once small, so you can too.

Each entrepreneur can develop a "customer-profit strategy and implement. There are only 5 simple principles that must be observed. Start now!


Your Strategy Doctor
Horst D. Deckert

questions? not

questions costs

Posted by email from strategy click

Monday, April 12, 2010

What Are Some Urban Watches

Rock the Lake Festival

I discovered today that DSI will perform there. And I am inclined to drive to go there. Although there are nearly 800 km. Hopefully I drive a few more people to find.
in itself is not at the festival times as expensive ..... That would be so cool!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Train Track Wide Receiver Gloves

The emperor's new marketing

Info \u0026lt;= Here! Strategy

Posted by email from

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mens Towelling Bathrobe

deception by Pope and bishops

This is an excerpt from a special prayer, which can now be inserted into the liturgy on Good Friday. The idea came from Trier Bishop Stephan Ackermann, who gained fame for several weeks as a sad misuse representative of the German Bishops' Conference.


The distinctive mark of the true church of Jesus Christ, God's people

first They remain faithful to God's eternal word, the Ten Commandments (2 Exodus 20, 1-17, 31, 12-18, John 7, 38, 8, 31, 2 Timothy 3:00, 16;. Gal 1, 8.9. ; 2 Peter 1, 20, Revelations 22, 18.19)..

second They fulfill the mission of Jesus: "Teach and baptize!", Not vice versa as the churches. The Second Coming of Jesus is their main teaching. (Matthew 28, 19.20, 24, 14)

third They gather in small groups at home (Mt 18, 20, Luke 12, 32,.. Acts 4:00, 13;. 1 Corinthians 1, 26-29)

4th They are of the world and its customs and traditions away (John 17, 16, 1 John 2:00, 15-17;. Matt. 21, 43).

5th They keep the 10 commandments of God and the same belief firmly that Jesus had a human also, and only because they rightly Christians (2nd Exodus 20, 1-17, John 15, 10:14, Rev. 14, 12;. Gal. 2, 20, John 17, 23).

6th They were persecuted as children of God by the Roman Catholic Church. It is change up to the end nothing (John 15, 20).

From the fight for the truth's sake and the gospel of Christ is God's people as the winner (Rev. 15, 2), despite being contradicted at all ends (Acts 28, 22, 24, 14).

Posted via web from decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court