Monday, March 8, 2010

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Apple's opponents are afraid of the customer

The FINANCIAL TIMES GERMANY published today a smear campaign from Apple:

handle global IT power

Why Apple should we be scary

The authors Matthias Lambrecht , Helene Laube , Andrea Runge and Nicholas Hammond rush:

" The cult group has become the dominant size in the mobile Internet, he determined rules, control the Content draws. . the profits from The once-brilliant underdog sympathy threatens to be dangerous - even for themselves "

Ridiculous could not be easier. I can only answer:

Is Apple too much, are the competitors too weak!

Why Apple's market value increased tenfold in ten years?

Because Apple products and services offered from a customer perspective.

Why buy individual songs million people in the iStore? Because Apple

own music industry was starting from a customer perspective. Now Hinz and Kunz can suddenly his three songs published and earn money. The music industry has had for thousands of artists is just a tired smile, and managed their former monopoly.

Everything from a customer perspective. Victims are only the arrogant music industry. Artists and customers are the winners.

Apple is the "trustee of its customers."

Who has something against it?

PC manufacturers, such as the former monopolist Microsoft, who played for years with clients of cat and mouse. Once you have copied the surface of Apple.

And can not keep up because the customers did not participate.

Amazon would like to dominate with its Kindle reader, the book world. It took its cue from the technology, probably not enough on customers. No one needs another device as a reader. Man wants entertainment and information. Amazon offers a reader. Apple offers a complete solution.

is how it is: Apple brings a complete solution from a customer perspective - and everyone gets in the pants! If Apple is so scary to us because it only takes what customers want, then I can only say: Give us more "sinister" products, which we need!

Press. She is afraid. It loses its value. Who still reads the messages of yesterday? The death bells ringing. Not only for the Financial Times, but for those with the motto "Everything should remain as it is" dilettante in front of him. With ridiculous fees, such as "Why Apple should be scary to us" you can not impress more happy Apple customers. The New York Times, there are already as iPad version. I hope that the PR departments of the federal government are becoming less important. My sympathy for newspapers has therefore been limited. Press

love Prince, you have not yet figured that your leaves no one really needs. If your not the iPad want to participate, we are not sad. Then just stop at Steve Ballmer's scrap with micro finance and its stillbirth called Tablet PC.

Yes and then there are also the Tele comedian. The authors lament, Apple would lead the phone companies at the nose ring. That they deserve a lot of money on the iPhone, none of them speaks. But they dictate containing no longer play the game. For decades it was the other way around. The customers were exempted from the state monopoly.

And the post office? It makes the last convulsions eBrief with her. I have sent since January 1999, no 50 letters. A great innovation that is - in my view.

We really do not need more dinosaurs, which make our lives difficult (t) s! No one has

cooperate with Apple. Some publishers, CEO or entrepreneur will go down as an economic failure in history, if he does not. A law of the free market economy is that no one should be forced to his happiness.

be successful like Apple!

Create your own customer world and ask your customers, in which rules, and they "play" and now

and then make it just like Apple!

who creates his own world customer, such as Apple, and also adjusts the rules of the game from a customer perspective , before getting the selfish fear. And will be met with agitation.

As long as Apple customers in a position, just to get what is denied them by other vendors, Apple must have no fear. And iPad, iBooks our customers will open up opportunities that others would have gladly denied.

Who's afraid of Apple before, in the Customers fear. Apple iBook are iPAD with technological innovations, have slept through the other.

When Steve Ballmer recently, market-ready and its not on the needs of customers introduced by targeting Tablet PC, wrote the same journalists even easier, Microsoft would attack Apple. Now Apple is again the evil.

Who wants to beat his competition, simply ask Steve Jobs. If having no time, you can call those who predicted the embarrassing defeat of Ballmer and Microsoft.

And happy that Apple will implement it exactly the strategy he in before 1990 5x5 its customer-profit strategy published.


270th Tip: How do you - such as IKEA and Starbucks - depend on the competition!

283rd Tip: Steinbrück promises: "2009 will be a bad year." Not for you if ...

as today staged a product
Apple: huge profits with new products
What can we learn from Apple and its own business transmitted?

289th Tip: 523 Percent growth, just with more "customer-profit"

Do like Apple: 523 percent growth!

290th Tip: iPhone + Starbucks

295th Tip: The unbeatable pricing strategy by Apple as part of the "customer-profit strategy"

310th Tip: The logical Innovation: Apple iBook with iPAD

Apple practiced Customer Profit Strategy!
IKEA practiced Customer Profit Strategy!
Starbucks practiced Customer Profit Strategy!

all began at once small, so you can too.

Each entrepreneur can develop a "customer-profit strategy and implement.
Only 5 simple principles that must be observed. Start now! Strategy

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