Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How To Replace Maytag Washer Thrust

I did it!

I have my card for the Batschkapp! I'm really happy, even if it still takes a while until I can go out there, but I did and she is kept safe!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Outlook 2003 Windows 7 Licence Agreement

Why always me?

I'm wondering lately of öffters. Only so nice .... long to work and then on Tuesday so did the crown.
I think what it is please the supervision of parents? This has indeed been so for a reason. Why does the so ankackt?
Simply because two small dam to me today .... boys threw stones at my car than I've driven in a roundabout. Of course, extra slow so I can slow down if one of the two runs in front of me's car. But no! Yes you have to throw stones at a car! MY CAR!
I was really happy that nobody was behind me when I was held back. Otherwise I would have a great bulge more. But at least I caught the two but still. They were probably shocked. Do not have thought that I descendant. Anyway, tough luck! (Did even stones in a bag this time.)
But I wonder how two about 6 or 7 year old boy alone can send to friends where they have to cross three major roads. And then just throw rocks at my car!
result of the day:
two dents in my car, plus paint scratches. A hysterical mother who wanted to ask me which I just invented. A howling and a "I have not done anything" boys. One of the police officers believe I was slightly overwhelmed. And an insurance worker that I do not think has quite understood what I wanted from her. Thus
had a crappy day in a week actually started quite well.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Why Do Motorcycle Wheels Cost So Much