Sunday, March 29, 2009

Eotech In Front Of Handle

Unbeliever Baby

unbelieving baby.
In the stomach Two pregnant women talking babies. One of them - the believer, the other - an unbeliever

unbelieving baby: Do you believe in life after birth?

Believer baby: Yes, of course. Everyone knows that there is life after birth. We are here to become strong enough and ready for what awaits us later.

Unbeliever Baby: That's nonsense! No life after birth can not be! Can you imagine how such a life might look like?

Believer Baby: I do not know all the details, but I believe that there will be more light and that we may be, we ourselves go and have his mouth.

Unbeliever Baby: What nonsense! Unable to walk by the same and have a mouth! It's generally funny! We have an umbilical cord that feeds us. You know, I want to tell you: it is impossible that there life after birth, because our lives - umbilical cord - is already too short.

believer baby: I'm sure this is possible. Everything will be just a little differently. It is possible to imagine.

Unbeliever Baby: But there had never been back! Life just ends childbirth. And anyway, life - is one big pain in the dark.

believer baby: No, no! I do not know exactly how it will look is our life after birth, but in any case, we see mom and she takes care of us.

Unbeliever Baby: Mommy? Do you believe in mom? And where is it located?

believer baby: It's all around us, we dwell in it and thanks to her move and live without it we simply can not exist.

Unbeliever Baby: Complete nonsense! I have not seen any mom, so obviously that it is not there.

believer baby: I can not agree with you. Because sometimes, when everything calms down, you can hear her sing, and feel like She stroked our world. I firmly believe that our real life begins only after birth. And you?


Painless Flesh Coloured Lump On Labia

wait Easter!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Under Arm Odor And Laser Hair Removal

diary young pious girl

Diary of a young pious virgins

She put the alarm for 7 am to help mom with the housework. Woke up for some reason only in the first hour of the day. Again, this is not my mother woke me!
Today I'm fine fellow - praying to three hours of the day. True, my mother always ran into the room - then take a vacuum cleaner, then wipe the dust, then wash the floors - but what to do! Oh, how hard life in the world!
* Prince on the horizon until net.Zhdu.

Went to church today - was a feast day. Phew, well, the girls I saw there - just a nightmare! Nails dyed, lips plastered, too me - come to put candles! And wanted to go to them and say: "How are not you ashamed, looks like a whore!!! "
At night, prayed for two hours. Akathists minus 5 and three canon. Today, I am well done.
* Prince no. Waiting.

Today weighed - strange recovered at 5 pounds, although strictly fasting. Need to lose weight. Mom always cook meat at home is nothing more. Of course, the external form is not important. Spirit - that's the main thing. But with this, then I have more or less okay. Just a man should be in harmony with all parties.
This is my main principle - self-improvement. Always and everywhere. Unfortunately, not always a self-improvement - always someone interferes.
* Prince no. There is still no. Waiting.

Tomorrow I English exam at the university. I am to him, even not particularly prepared. Firstly, because our teacher of all and always knocks, undermining all, but their pets. Secondly, I just pray and then give up. Said: "Ask and it shall be given you." And again: "If you have faith as a mustard seed can move mountains." So get ready I will not - just pray. I did have faith - and much more than a grain of mustard seed. I firmly believe, very hard. And thirdly, I'm not prepared, потому что мама опять начала мешать: то убирается, то на кухне гремит посудой. Это невозможно!
Помолилась я сегодня как следует: прочла четыре канона.
*Принца still there. Waiting. I should suffer - my destiny I find it. I believe in it.

got up again in an hour because of my mother, barely had time to test. As I anticipated, our teachers I flunked. Retake in three days. Well, God will judge him. I will not condemn him. Condemnation - a sin.
Mom scolded. And so said! Says: "You would be better for the exam prepared than in the room for three hours of prayer to read! Only you know what to pray, but for the good of you - no! "Normal" They say I'm selfish. Yeah ... Here it - the spiritual blindness! I am very sacrificial person, I always try to help her. I often dishes and trash my stand. In short, I told my mother that she is living without God and has no right to teach me. Not for nothing is written in the Gospel: "Woe to the man from his family!" Very, very, I suffer from your loved ones! But I believe that there is man in the world, which I understand and appreciate, see my essence, spiritual purity. Necessarily. I believe that. Believe.
* Prince did not come.

Today sinned - Looked for a long time in the mirror. What to do, it happens sometimes that sinned. Oh, sinner, of course, where to go. Went today on the subway - yeah, what the girls are now guys go! Painted, naked ... Spirituality is at a low level. Therefore, to me, and not paying attention. After all, I whole makeup - lipstick, do not use polishes, I do not wear short skirts, high heels, too. Spirits are not dushus and shower gel does not use it, and all sorts of these deodorants - sinful Orthodox girl anoint thee with themselves as any hetero. Wash three times a week to "take care of the body does not turn into lust," as Paul said. Therefore, it is my cross, probably - some time to tolerate the neglect of men. In some metro grandmother yelled at me that, well, do not give way to seniors, sitting "healthy mare," as she graciously puts it. I do not like these grannies angry. I told her that she was at her age is about the soul's time to think, not teach me zhityu. "You would be better respected Bible" - I told her - "you have to partake more often."
Yeah. No such pasterns or charity, or faith - nothing! What to do - the fruit of the communist era!
was on the All-Night Vigil. Subtracted three canon.
* Prince no. But he will come. Necessarily.

was in the temple. Wanted to confess, but then realized that especially not what - I confess next week. Read four akathist on arrival home. Then I went for a walk. saw two gay men. I approached them and said, all think about them, and even gave one to my nose. I have to protect others from their corrupting influence and express their civil and religious position. If would not have approached a policeman, they would have got me to the fullest. But - alas!
Today I have to prove her mother wrong about her shameless allegations I'm selfish, I wanted to wash dishes and take out the trash, but then I remembered that Sunday and can not work. The only pity is that my mother did not understand. All the grunts, что "в доме срач", а я "думаю только о себе". Как я ни пыталась ей объяснить, что воскресенье - заповедный день, все напрасно. Ну что ж, буду молиться, чтоб Господь её enlightened.
again poured out of pimples on his face - what to do with them I'll never know! Seen someone jinxed or conjured. I've heard people on the devout often rebel foes visible and invisible. This must be endured, because it's so we feel and become a kinder, cleaner, higher ...
* Prince no. Why? Sometimes the same is - those who do not deserve happiness, get it, and vice versa! For example, Sveta - her boyfriend at the hands of the bears! And what it this? She does nothing all jealous and says behind me all sorts of nasty things about me. Yes, and painted as a whore of Babylon. Than it deserves? Why on the good, pure, faithful and sublime soul of the girls no one pays attention? I hate guys, they're all fools.
Today deducted three canon and one acathistus. Today I'm fine fellow.

sat chatting, went five princes discussing meat and cigarettes, but when I said that they were rough and rude, they are for some reason did not like it. How do they I do not see that they just want good, you'd better ask me about the family, they would immediately understand what I am beautiful wife.
So far they were princes. Let's go to pray

looked in the chat for a minute, only to ask where on Friday vsenoshnaya will. Stayed as a result of 3 hours, discussing with the girls appearance. As well they do not understand that lipstick and a dress - is not pleasing to God?? So I could not convince them to wear a skirt and black blouse. Randy. Well, let them, they will be much the worse! The prayer time was gone.

Wednesday evening, I decided not to go into the chat. But after the prayer was tired, cleaning, cancel, and sleep was still early and looked. Why then was a feeling that it is today meeting the prince. Met, but not the prince, and some religious fanatic. I opened him about his life, and he accused me of selfishness and pride. And he only dares to criticize me?
All the same I lad and deserves much more ..

She asked for prayer to the Lord I met my fate. And on the street snow, do not go for a walk. We had to climb back into the chat. And the Lord heard me, there was such a sweet and kind a young man. Why he did not invite me out? Do not immediately clear what is best for me there is no one? I hope he draw the appropriate conclusions and tomorrow then certainly I invite.

mom swears that I have a lot of time I spend on the computer. How did she not understand that if I read books so do needlework I never met the prince, and he never invited me to visit.
While she was not home, looked in the chat. There was the randy, which only deals with so that the paints themselves, but listening to songs. and what do you think? She said that the prince had called her in the movie !!!!!!!! Well and good that he did not invite me because that what is he the prince if he likes the ladies are here. All the same, I deserve better.
When I last read a prayer?

whole day reading canons. Explained to her that I missed reading the prayers, and therefore must earn forgiveness. I heard about a lot of interesting things. But this nestrashno, most importantly, I know make sure everything is correct. Went for a walk in the evening. All the guys crazy poshodili. Walking arm in arm with girls who have shorter skirts sweaters and heels from the ears. On me did not even look ...
I promised myself in a chat no longer walk, looked at the forum, there are also certainly full of princes, every chat they do not go. Indeed. But write messages did not. No matter the girl first to write a message to someone. Reply to the topic Clothing and rule of prayer ... When they read my answers at once I understand that the best and I will only have to choose.

read today Psalms, I think what made the feat. I fellow. It's time to check your mail.
How? niodnogo answer? So, I'm going to chat! I'll show them, they now know what I think of them! "

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Fell Like I Want To Quit Lacrosse

us! Spring of the road!

... and snowdrops are already here .... in spite of the snow ...

Wedding Guestbook Introduction Wording

good mood


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